Magic and Psionic Interactions

While magic and Psionics are often very similar in effect, the way in which they are brought into being are very different, and do not always interact in a straightforward manner. This article will set out a basic framework for how the two interact with each other in the world.  


The teleport spell and psionic teleport power both produce identical effects, but are brought about very differently. A Wizard with extensive knowledge on Conjuration magic, even having the spell memorized, may have no idea how a psion just seemingly cast the spell with naught but a furrowed brow and a flash of green light. Likewise, the psion knows intrinsically how to summon forth the energies flowing within themselves to shift their body to a different point in space, but is clueless as to how the Wizard can do it by just waving their arms in a specific way and spouting some gibberish.   From a perspective of understanding of the intrinsic nature of magic and Psionics, the two are entirely opaque. No amount of Knowledge (Arcana) will be of any help in understanding how Psionics work, and no amount of Psicraft can tell you if a fireball will be blocked by an anti-magic field. However the two powers interact, knowledge and understanding of them will always be different and opaque. Additionally, items that provide bonuses specific to magic or Psionics do not provide the same bonus to the other. Caster Level and Manifester Level are separate entities, and a bonus to one does not provide a bonus to the other. Similarly items that are made to store magical spells cannot store psionic powers, and items that store psionic powers cannot store magical spells.  

Partial Transparency

While a clear barrier exists between the two powers academically, their interaction in the field is much more muddled. While the two are not completely interactive, there is some definite cross-over. While dispel magic was crafted around breaking the bonds that hold arcane or divine magics together, it has the same effect on Psionics, though with more difficulty. Any Caster Level or Manifester Level checks crossing the gap between magic and Psionics suffers a -5 penalty. Likewise, Power Resistance acts as Spell Resistance that is 5 points lower, and vice versa. Effects that are automatic in disrupting or impacting magic or Psionics have a 50% chance of working on the other form. For example, an Antimagic Field has a 50% chance to supress any given psionic effect or attempt to activate a psionic power (rolled separately for each effect). Spells or abilities that do not have a quantified effect are handled case by case, but typically interact in an incomplete manner. For example, detect psionics can pick up on the presence of magical effects, but cannot accurately determine the strength of them, distinguish between multiple auras coming from the same location, or identify the school of magic involved in them. A character wearing magical robes, wielding a magic wand and wearing a pack with several magic scrolls in it would clearly be emanating magic, but a detect psionics could not pinpoint the specific items in question, nor determine how strong they are or what type of magic they involve.  

Full Transparency

The tangible effects of Psionics and magic, while created by their respective powers, are typically no different after the spell or power is complete. A Wall Of Stone created by a spell is just as susceptible to a psionic disintegrate as an arcane one. Any effect that does not specifically call out the type of effect it impacts (magic, psionic, spell, power, etc) is implied to effect both. For example, protection from evil blocks all attempts to possess the warded creature or exercise mental control over them. As it does not specify spells or Psionics, it works as stated against both. Similarly, the resistance spell provides a +1 Resistance Bonus on saves, which applies to saves vs spells and Psionics equally.  


This template of interactions is by no means exhaustive, and there are more than likely interaction out there that are not covered by it or that don't function as they should based on it. As always, communicate with the DM about any questions or concerns you may have over specific or general interactions, and they will seek to clarify them or work with you to find a mutually agreeable mechanic.   Some common interaction clarifications are provided below:
  • Counterspell has no interaction with psionics.
  • Identify has no interaction with psionic items, and psionic identify has no interaction with magic items.


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