Monstrous Companion

You have formed a bond with a creature far more exotic than an animal.


Handle Animal 7 ranks, class feature that functions as the Druid animal companion ability (including animal companion, divine bond [mount], Hunter's bond [animal companion], nature's bond [animal companion], and the mount class feature) with an effective Druid level of 7.


You can select a magical beast as a cohort in place of your animal companion class feature (for more information on monster cohorts see Bestiary 316). The following chart determines the effective cohort level for your Monstrous Companion based on your effective Druid level. Effective Druid Level Effective Cohort Level 7 4 8 5 9 6 10 6 11 6 12 7 13 8 14 9 15 9 16 9 17 10 18 11 19 11 20 12 If the magical beast's effective cohort level is lower than what is allowed by your effective Druid level, the cohort gains class levels equal to the difference. A cohort with 1 class level gains the link and Share Spells abilities of an animal companion. A cohort with 3 class levels gains the Evasion animal companion ability. A cohort with 6 class levels gains the devotion animal companion ability. If the class feature you use as a prerequisite for this feat does not grant one of those abilities (such as a cavalier's mount, which does not gain Share Spells), your Monstrous Mount also does not gain the ability. The magical beast does not gain any abilities not listed here. In addition to the magical beasts listed in the Bestial Cohorts sidebar, this feat can be used to gain an ahuizotl, aranea, blink dog, dragon horse, dragonne, giant eagle, giant owl, giant vulture, griffon, kirin, leucrotta, manticore, pegasus, sea cat, shedu, sleipnir, worg, or xanthos. The rules for using each of these creatures as a monster cohort are presented in the appendices of their respective Pathfinder RPG Bestiary volumes.


This feat counts as the Leadership feat for the purposes of prerequisites. A character cannot have both Leadership and Monstrous Companion.

Required For