Mud In Your Eye

You are used to fighting in muck and slime, and happily hurl it in your foes' eyes in the heat of battle.


Throw Anything.


As a Standard Action when in urban or subterranean terrain, you can scoop filth, sewage, mud, or similar grime off a nearby surface and hurl it at a foe as a ranged Touch Attack with a range increment of 5 feet. If the attack hits, you can immediately attempt a Dirty Trick combat maneuver against the target as a Free Action; this Dirty Trick can be used only to blind the target. As a ranged Touch Attack, this action provokes attacks of opportunity, even if your Dirty Trick attempts normally wouldn't provoke such attacks (such as via the Improved Dirty Trick feat).


A character with favored terrain (as the Ranger class feature) can use this feat when in any of his favored terrains in addition to urban and subterranean.

Required For