Organization Mechanics

All organizations operate on the following basic mechanics. More detailed descriptions of how each organization type operates is provided within their respective sections.  

Organization Level

Each organization's level of development and power is represented by its level. As an organization grows, its level increases. As an organization's level increases, it gains skill points, actions, perks, and increased resource caps. In order to gain levels, organizations must meet the requirements for the next level, usually in the form of resource pools, and then successfully perform the required action to level up. An organization's level is independent of the level of its originator, and progresses at its own rate. the requirements and benefits of each level vary by organization, and are provided in each organization's page. A player cannot run an organization whose level is more than half their character level. Multiple player characters running an organization together may mitigate this restriction with DM approval.  


Each organization has a pool of resources which it gains, spends, and loses based on actions performed by or against it. The type, number, and use of these resources varies from organization to organization, but common to every organization are the resources Manpower and Gold. Manpower represents the members of the organization and their ability to perform actions. Most everything an organization does has a manpower cost, and thus it is often the key limiter and gauge of how much an organization can do. Gold is a self explanatory resource, used in the same way gold is used by players. Some resources are replenished on a regular basis, some decay over time, and some may be at risk of being lost if held in large enough quantities. Some resources can be transferred between players and their organizations, but most are used exclusively within the operations of their respective organizations.  


Organizations operate in cycles, with each cycle representing an organization's "turn". Each cycle, the organization takes actions, resolves effects on or by them, and gains or loses resources. In game terms, a cycle occurs once between each gaming session, and is not necessarily representative of a specific unit of in-game time. Periods of extended downtime in a campaign may allow for multiple cycles to occur between a single session, as determined by the DM. In order for an organization to perform actions during a cycle, the controlling player(s) must set a time with the DM to resolve them. Failure to do so before the next session will result in no actions being taken that cycle.  


Organizations each have a set of skills relevant to their operations that dictate how well they are able to carry out their actions. Skill points are granted and allocated at each guild level in the same manner as a character's skill points. Points gained and skills available are determined by the organization type.  


Organizations can perform actions each cycle, typically requiring the expenditure of one or more resources and often requiring skill checks to be made by the guild to dictate the level of success/failure. Some actions may be taken multiple times per cycle, provided there are sufficient resources to spend on them, and some may take more than one cycle to complete. Organizations also gain access more advanced and beneficial actions as they level up. If an organization ever desires to perform a specific act for which an action does not exist, they can approach the DM to see if such an act is possible for their organization, and what costs, checks, and specific benefits it would entail. Each organization gains access to a special action every time they are eligible to level up. This action remains available until it is successfully performed, at which time they will lose access to it and advance in level.


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