Organizations & Followers

As player characters grow in power and influence, opportunities will arise for them to become influences on a larger scale, attracting followers to their cause and allowing them to establish organizations to help them achieve their goals. The style, structure, and purpose of these organizations will vary based on the characters establishing them, but all serve the common cause of granting the character greater influence and power within the world.  

Followers and Cohorts

Player characters can attract followers and cohorts through a variety of means, though the most common form is the Leadership feat. While these characters are NPC's, the player has some agency over their composition and actions, as covered in the Followers & Cohorts article.  

Starting an Organization

Precisely when and what kind of organization a character establishes will vary but, as a general case, organizations require a character to be 7th level or above and have the capital and/or follower base required to establish they type of organization they would like. The exact requirements will vary based on the situation, but generally require a bit of role playing to gather the initial founding members along with a respectable sum of gold.  

Running an Organization

Once established, the organization can operate without the player character's presence, carrying out its objectives independently (though still under the player's direction). What each organization can accomplish and how it can benefit the player varies with each type of organization and with the goals and desires of its establishing character. The Organization Mechanics article gives the base mechanics common to all organizations, with detailed mechanics applying to each organization type presented within their respective sections.  


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