Planar Focus

By studying other planes, you've learned to take on aspects of outsiders as well as animals.


Knowledge (planes) 5 ranks, animal focus class feature.


When you use your animal focus class feature, you can choose any of the following new aspects unless they conflict with your alignment. Air: You gain a constant feather fall effect. At 10th level, you instead gain a constant levitate effect. Chaotic: Your form shifts subtly, making it difficult for others to aim precise attacks against you. You gain a 25% chance to negate extra damage from critical hits and precision damage from attacks made against you (such as from sneak attacks). Only chaotic characters can use this Planar Focus. Cold: Creatures that attack you with natural attacks or melee weapons take 1d4 points of cold damage for every 2 class levels you possess. Earth: You gain a Burrow speed equal to your base land speed, and a +2 Enhancement Bonus to your natural armor. Evil: You gain a +1 Profane Bonus to AC and on saves against attacks made and effects created by good outsiders. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level. Only evil characters can use this Planar Focus. Fire: Your natural attacks and melee weapons deal 1d6 points of fire damage for every 4 class levels you possess. Good: You gain a +1 Sacred Bonus to AC and on saves against attacks made or effects created by evil outsiders. This bonus increases to +2 at 10th level. Only good characters can use this Planar Focus. Lawful: You can automatically succeed at any saving throw against a polymorph spell or effect. Only lawful characters can use this Planar Focus. Shadow: You gain a +5 bonus on Stealth and Sleight of Hand checks. Water: You gain a 30-foot Swim speed and can breathe water as well as air.

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