Pummeling Bully

(Style, Combat)
Your combo has the chance to trip or move your target.


Deft Maneuvers, Improved Unarmed Strike, Pummeling Style, base attack bonus +9, brawler level 5th, or Monk, Astoran level 5th.


When you use Pummeling Style to make an entire Full Attack or flurry of blows against a single target, if you hit with any of your attacks, you can attempt a Reposition or Trip Combat Maneuver Check as a Free Action.

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  When you hit with a Pummeling Style attack, you can spend 2 Stamina points to make a Bull Rush attempt as a Free Action instead of a Reposition attempt.

Required For