Rellavar Danuvien

Rellavar Danuvien is a minor elven god of protection from the elements, particularly the severe cold, primarily worshiped by the snow elves. Formerly a beneficiary of Tarsellis Meunniduin, the following of the Frost Sprite King among the snow and ice elves has the potential to eclipse that of the Patron of the Snow Elves.



Rellavar's worshipers were either neutral good or true neutral in alignment, and his clergy was evenly split between clerics and specialty priests called frostwardens (though the balance could shift towards the frostwardens). Several orders of rangers, as well as a rare order of elven wyrmslayers (allegedly some form of paladins) gave their support to his clergy as well.
  Rellavar’s clergy preferred blue and white clothes with a lesser focus on raiments compared to the clergy of Tarsellis, and usually made offerings to Rellavar of hardened and sculpted ice or bone, substituting these for more valuable items for very important ceremonies. The clergy sought to mitigate the effects of the elements (the cold in particular) on elvenkind, and to kept elves in the arctic armed, specifcially by enchanting ice to give it the strength of steel. His holy days were made so just before dangerous undertakings such as a bad blizzard or armed conflict.


Rellavar was an indepedent deity, though he once served the god Tarsellis Meunniduin, the elven god of the wilderness. Their friendship was strained however by his continued friendship with Solonor Thelandira, the elven god of hunting and another former inferior and friend before the two had a falling out regarding his relationship with a disguised Lolth. Despite this, he could count on both their help when opposing the machinations of the Faerûnian goddess of winter Auril and the frost giant deity Thrym.[note 1]
  Among his fellow members of the Seldarine, Rellavar was also allied with Tethrin Veraldé, elven god of magic and swordcraft, and a good friend of Erevan Ilesere, elven god of mischief and himself a patron of the fey (albeit on a broader scale). Being part of the Seldarine, he was also opposed to the drow and goblinoid deities.

Rellavar Danuvien

Lesser deity

Basic Information



Neutral Good

A silver spear with a white circle on either side of the shaft


Frost Magic, Frost Sprites, Protection From The Elements


Snow elves


Magic (-)
Protection (Defense, Fortifications)
Water (Ice)



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