Rouse Emotions

You can sway the hearts of an entire crowd with your art, or turn them against your enemies.


Charisma 13, Charming Performance, perform (any) 5 ranks, bardic performance or raging song.


You can use Charming Performance on all creatures within 60 feet. In addition to swaying the crowd's starting attitude toward a single person, you may choose to sway the crowd's attitude toward a well-defined group with which they are familiar (such as a specific nation, organization, or religion). An attempt to Rouse Emotions about a group takes a -5 penalty due to the difficulty of creating strong feelings toward an entire group rather than a specific individual. The DC for this check is 30 + 1 for every five people in the crowd to be affected. You can't use Rouse Emotions to change a crowd's attitude by more than one step, or to make it helpful or hostile.

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