Royal Duelist


A recent development in the upper echelons of Reinestad society, this art revolves around finesse, accuracy, and quick footwork, often incorporating rapiers into its techniques.  
  • Points Required Per Rank: 1
  • Restrictions: Light armor only, no shields.

royal duelist table



The following are special abilities granted to practitioners of the Royal Duelist Form.  


At rank 3, gain a +1 Competence Bonus to your attack roll for parries. This bonus increases to +2 at rank 5, then to +3 at rank 7.  

Weapon Katas

Practitioners of the Royal Duelist Form customarily fight using a rapier in their main hand and a main gauche in their off hand. At rank 1 you gain the weapon Kata for the rapier and main gauche.   Main Gauche: Also known as a parrying dagger, a main gauche is intended to be held in one's off hand and primarily used to parry incoming blows. It is thicker than a normal dagger and slightly curved as it is designed to deflect repeated blows from other blades, and also shorter to keep the weight down and allow quick movements with it. It is a light melee weapon that deals 1d3 slashing damage with a critical of 20/x2. Unlike a normal dagger, it is not weighted to be an effective thrown weapon. When wielding a main gauche off-hand, you can sacrifice your attacks with it to assist in parrying enemy blows, gaining a +4 Circumstance Bonus to all parries. You retain any penalties for fighting with two weapons when doing so.  


Punches: None   Kicks: Leg Hook   Other: None   Defenses: Parry, Disarming Parry, Multiple Parry   Holds: None   Movements: None   Combos: Riposte   Special: Simultaneous Attack  


Type: Defence (Parry)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Attempt to thwart an enemy's attack by intercepting the strike before it can land. This can be done with a weapon or by hand.
Special: When you are hit by a Melee Attack, make an Unarmed Attack roll. If it meets or exceeds the attack roll against you, the attack is negated. You must have a free hand to parry. A parry must be declared before the damage of the attack is resolved.

Leg Hook

Type: Strike (Kick)
Damage: -
Use: 1 attack
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A sweep of the opponent's legs, dealing no damage but tripping them.
Special: Used as Trip Combat Maneuver. Cannot be parried, blocked, or dodged.

Disarming Parry

Type: Defence (Parry)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: A spiraling counter that leverages the incoming strike's momentum into leveraging their weapon away from them.
Special: As parry, but on success make a CM check vs opponents CMD. If successful, the weapon they attacked with is disarmed. Can only be used once per round, and opponent must be attacking with a weapon.


Type: Combo (Parry/Strike)
Damage: As weapon
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -
Description: An armed parry into a counter strike against your attacker.
Special: As parry, but if successful you can make an armed attack against your opponent. Can only be used once per round, and you must be armed to use it.

Multiple Parry

Type: Defence (Parry)
Damage: -
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Quick, fluid counters that flow one into the other, intercepting multiple strikes from a single foe.
Special: As parry, but effects all hits from a single creature for the round. Count each parry individually for successive penalties, and roll vs each hit separately. Can only be used once per round.

Simultaneous Attack

Type: Special
Damage: As strike
Use: 1 defense
Successive Penalty: -5
Description: Rather than defend against an attack, you open yourself up to the blow in order to create an opening with which to make a counterattack.
Special: Must be declared before the attack against you is rolled, and you are considered flat footed against this attack. Make an attack using a strike of your choice against your attacker simultaneous with theirs. They cannot use any defenses against your attack. Successive penalties for this move stack with those of the strike you use.



Kobu-Justu, Weapon Kata(Ex)

Kobu-Jutsu is the practice of incorporating a weapon into a Martial Arts form. Only forms that explicitly allow a Weapon Kata can use this, and only with the weapons allowed by that form. Even in such cases, the weapon can only be used while in that form by using the Kobu-Jutsu Kata each round.
  While this Kata is active, you can wield any allowed weapon while in a Martial Arts form that allows for this Kata. Attacks with a weapon follow normal rules for Base Attack Bonus progression and penalties, and extra attacks granted by Martial Arts forms cannot be used to make armed attacks. You cannot use any holds while wielding a weapon, and you cannot use punches while wielding a two-handed weapon. You can use your weapon to make parries in this Kata, using your highest Base Attack Bonus for each roll (successive penalties for parries still apply). If the form allows for dual wielding or double weapons, normal rules apply for using two weapons.
Example: Sato is a 7th level Martial Artist wielding a single scimitar with the Sandswept Serpent form. He can make two attacks per round with his scimitar, using a Base Attack Bonus of +7 and +2 respectively. His remaining 2 attacks granted by the form must be used to make unarmed strikes.


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