
Savras is the deity of wizards, divination, fate, and truth in the Astoran pantheon. The Lord of Divination lost his place as the god of spellcasters to Azuth and swore an oath of fealty to him, becoming the specific deity of his school of magic. While some believe He of the Third Eye guide the forces of destiny, others think he knows all history but is unable to affect it, his emotionless demeanor a mask to hide his deep concern for Astora's fate despite his relative inability to change it.



He was portrayed as a man with a crystalline face, clear to all who saw him. His statements were clear, concise, and rarely what the listener wished to hear. Savras' symbol was a monstrous eye, or a crystal ball filled with eyes.


Savras' main duty is to monitor the casting of Epic Magic, and curb its usage amidst non-mortals & extraplanars, especially when this is done heedlessly.


Savras was worshiped in both the north and south as a god of diviners and truth-speakers. His clergy was still sparse in the late 14th century DR, as Savras had just been released from his centuries-old prison. Savras's only famous servant was Alaundo of Candlekeep, the one true prophet of the Realms.
  Savras was particularly beloved in the nations of the Chultan Peninsula (Tashalar, Samarach, Nimbral, and so on, where scrying and spying were practically the national pastimes because the inhabitants' fear of the yuan-ti.
  The Gurs were known to worship Savras, which may explain the survival of his faith during his long period of imprisonment.
  The most devout worshipers of Savras carried around elaborate staves with them at all times. This was in the hope that their god might make their staff his temporary residence.



Benign Order of the Third Eye A secret cult would seem to be anathema for a god devoted to finding the truth, but in 1371 DR such a cult did form. Consisting mainly of archivists (and incidentally containing the highest concentration of archivists of any group in the Realms) the Benign Order of the Third Eye's members were all granted a vision from Savras where he impressed upon them the need to collect magic and lore in preparation for an upcoming battle with Cyric. Unfortunately, the Order was overzealous in its search and became known for graverobbing.


Savras, along with Velsharoon, served Azuth, who was his superior, and thus served Mystra indirectly. He resented his service to Azuth, but the two were steadily, if cautiously, establishing a formal division of portfolios and responsibilities, and a more amiable relationship.


Once Savras was a mortal wizard of Halruaa.
  Savras, a demigod, and Azuth, a wizard with god-like abilities, once dueled when Azuth contended for Savras's place in the Year of the Hangman's Noose, 161 DR. Savras fell, with Azuth becoming the one god of wizards.
  Savras was imprisoned in the Scepter of Savras by Azuth, where he remained until the Time of Troubles in the Year of Shadows, 1358 DR. Following this, Azuth agreed to release Savras in exchange for a pledge of fealty.
  But in the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR, Cyric entered Dweomerheart with Shar's aid and there murdered Mystra. The plane broke apart, hurling Azuth and Velsharoon deep into the Astral Plane and killing Savras outright.
  Yet he got better, returning to godhood by the 1480s DR. By 1490 DR, priests were still actively worshiping Savras in temples across Chult.



Basic Information

The All-Seeing
He of the Third Eye
Lord of Divination




Lawful Neutral

Crystal ball containing many kinds of eyes


Divination, Fate, Truth

Favored Weapon
The eye of Savras (dagger)


Seekers of truth


Knowledge (Espionage, Thought)
Luck (Fate)



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