
You can reposition yourself after a foe's missed swing.


Dexterity 13, Dodge.


Whenever an opponent misses you with a Melee Attack, you may move 5 feet as an Immediate Action so long as you remain within that opponent's threatened area. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If you take this step, you cannot take a 5-foot step during your next turn. If you take an action to move during your next turn, subtract 5 feet from your total movement.

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  When this feat lets you move, you can spend 2 Stamina points to move 10 feet instead of 5. You must still remain in your opponent’s threatened area. You still lose your 5-foot step or 5 feet of movement—the movement lost doesn’t increase to 10 feet.