Sling Flail

You can use your loaded sling to effectively strike at nearby foes.


Weapon Focus (sling), base attack bonus +1.


You can make melee attacks using your loaded sling, using that weapon's normal statistics but treating it as a flail. Using a sling in this way does not expend mundane ammunition, but magical or masterwork ammunition loses its special properties after a single hit.


Any feats you have that apply when you use a flail also apply when you use a loaded sling as a melee weapon.

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  You can spend 2 Stamina points to increase the damage dealt by the melee attacks you make with a loaded sling as if your sling were one size category larger than its actual size. For example, a Small sling would deal 1d4 points of damage, while a Medium one would deal 1d6. This benefit lasts until the start of your next turn, and doesn’t stack with other effects that treat the sling as a larger size category unless they increase the sling’s actual size.

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