Spinning Throw

You whirl your foe around and then let go.


Powerful Maneuvers, Deft Maneuvers, Improved Unarmed Strike, Ki Throw.


On a successful unarmed Trip combat maneuver against an opponent your size or smaller, you can spend a Swift Action to attempt a Bull Rush combat maneuver against that opponent. If your Bull Rush succeeds, you can move that opponent to any unoccupied square you threaten, then push that opponent the number of 5-foot increments your successful Bull Rush allows. The target is then knocked Prone. If the Bull Rush fails, you can use the Ki Throw feat as normal. If you also have the Improved Ki Throw feat, a successful Bull Rush allows you to push the opponent into a space secondary targets occupy. You resolve this effect as if you used the Improved Ki Throw feat to throw the opponent into that space.


Per the Ki Throw feat, a Monk, Astoran can use ki to affect creatures larger than himself with this feat.

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  If you succeed at the Bull Rush check, you can spend 2 Stamina points to push the opponent 5 additional feet, or 4 Stamina points to push the target 10 additional feet.

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