Nation of Stormhaven

The Nation of Stormhaven is a de facto city state occupying the western valley and coast of The Hinterlands in Western Astora. Though small and militarily inferior to its larger and aggressive neighbors, Stormhaven possesses many geographical advantages that allow it to thrive. Mountains and forest surround the small valley in which it lies, providing a strongly defensible position with only a few small mountain passes providing access to the region. Possessing the only navigable port for hundreds of miles in each direction, Stormhaven also serves as a trade hub for much of the western continent, making the nation quite wealthy for its size and influential to its neighbors economically.  


The City-State was founded approximately two centuries ago by members of the adventuring troupe Ordo Balerus after their defeat of the Shadow Lord, Lilith Violetta. Granted control of the land and a king's ransom by the four neighboring kingdoms in exchange for the deed, they founded the city on the waters of an inland bay to the west, rather than rebuilding the destroyed city of Arkenfel that was once the seat of power in the region. The move proved pragmatic, as the construction of a port allowed trade to flow in to the otherwise largely isolated region. With that trade Stormhaven was able to rapidly build itself into the largest and wealthiest city in the region. As their wealth grew, so to did the envy of its neighbors, eventually growing to override the good will fostered with the deeds of its founders. Stormhaven used its wealth and political acumen to leverage the hostility between its neighbors, making any outright assault a dangerous venture, while building its own military capabilities to the point where assaulting its narrow mountain passes had questionable odds of success. Thus has Stormhaven existed for over 70 years, always on the edge of conflict but never fully embroiled in it.  


The nation of Stormhaven has a small professional army, though it is much larger proportional to its population than any of its neighbors. A standing force of nearly 2,500 career soldiers is kept in peacetime, with trained reserves available for a rapid mobilization of approximately 1,500 additional troops when needed. Many of these reserve forces serve as the city and surrounding area’s police force, city watch, and local sheriffs.   The city of Stormhaven is a port city, surrounded on its land edges by a stone battlement. The city is built to repel minor assaults but would not stand against a dedicated attacker with a significant numerical superiority. As most of the populace lives outside the city, and the city is not built to house the entire populace for any significant period, the city’s defenses exist more for deterrence and protection against smaller threats than as a significant siege bastion. Due to the prevalence of piracy in the area (even the bay upon which the city sits was once a major pirate cove), seaward facing defenses are far more comprehensive. The bay is separated from the sea by a three quarter mile long sea channel cutting through the coastal mountains. The cliff-like walls of the channel are dotted with defensive towers built into the rock, and lookout positions on top of the cliffs.   The valley in which Stormhaven sits is surrounded by mountains, forming an imposing physical barrier to any attempts at invasions from surrounding nations. A ring of forts is set up along the base of these mountains to protect against small raids from mountain dwelling creatures, and the two mountain passes (one north and one south) are each protected by fortresses built into the mountains. Properly manned, these chokepoints can serve to delay or break armies significantly larger than the defending force and serve as the mainstay of the nation’s defense. The hostile nature of the inhabitants of the mountains surrounding the valley serve as a constant threat to the nation, for which there is no easy strategic answer. Because of this, most of the populace lives between the rivers running through the valley, relying on them as a natural barrier with which a defense could be mounted with sufficient warning.   The main strategic threats to Stormhaven are its neighbors to the north and south. All four are significantly larger and more militaristic, and in recent decades look upon the wealth of Stormhaven with increasing envy. A great deal of effort is put into avoiding conflict through diplomacy, using their hostility towards each other and dependence on Stormhaven as the only trading port in the region to maintain an unsteady peace. Were any one of these nations to bring war into the valley, it is doubtful that Stormhaven could win, and if the mountain passes were taken, defeat would be a certainty. Similarly, were a sizeable force of mountain dwelling creatures to rise up and attack Stormhaven as a unified force, victory would be hard won at best, and likely beyond reach.  


Magic is prevalent in the region, but largely out of reach of the common citizen. Adventurers and wealthier citizens enjoy a much broader access to items of a mystical and magical nature. Psionics is exceedingly rare here, as in most places, but bears no persecution, and little stigmatization from the populace.   The state makes as much use of magic as it is able, especially in matters of communication and military logistics. Wizards, sorcerers, and clerics are a staple part of their standing army, with each company (100 men) having at least one embedded within it and trained to operate in tandem with them. There are also several units composed entirely of casters. Magic sees regular use in the running of the city, from protections for political leaders, to state espionage, to maintenance and fortification of the city’s keep.   There are no regulations on the use of magic, though there is little tolerance for acts that could endanger the public or cause destruction of property. As magic is not readily available, it is largely self-regulated, as powerful magic can only be obtained by those who devote much of their lives to cultivating it. There are many who can craft magical items, but few who can craft more powerful and expensive ones. More significant magical services, like resurrections and curse removals, can only be performed by a select few, and always come at a cost, whether by deed or coin.   Being a largely urban populace with routine exposure to the foreign and exotic through its trading port, the populace enjoys a greater level of social inclusion than is typical for the region. The large quantities of adventurers, from aspirants to veterans, colors perceptions of magic and those who use it dependent upon the locale. Those in the city are quite used to it and see it as a mundane part of life. Those in the surrounding towns and villages are largely exposed to it in the form of adventuring troupes passing through, and often see it as more menace than benefit. Those in frontier towns and hamlets, living on the edge of the wilderness, are rarely exposed, save for when it is employed in their defense against the dangers surrounding them, and so tend to look upon it with reverence.   As a launch point for many aspiring spell casters looking for fame and power, Stormhaven is home to a great many novice and journeyman practitioners, but few stay put as they grow more experienced and capable. Alexander Ferrington the 6th is perhaps the most well-known practitioner in the region but, being a city administrator, very little of his wizardly acumen is combat oriented, and few would consider him to be a great and fearsome wizard. Within the church, the Cathedral of St. Pyetrov holds several quite capable clerics, but their capabilities are rarely tested and never advertised. Even more obscure, the druids of the Savage Wilds east of the valley are renowned for their strength in the mystical arts but are so secretive that none are known by name to the populace.  


Stormhaven has a predominantly Human populace, but they form a marginal plurality within the region. Beyond them Dwarves and Elves are the most prevalent, but not by much. Due to the influx of migrants from across Astora, there is a strong representation of most of the commonly encountered nations within the city, and in pockets of communities in the surrounding area. The population within the city is fully integrated, but tend to form enclaves beyond the walls. A sizeable clan of dwarves operates a mining community north of the city, and several halfling communities have coalesced in the towns surrounding Stormhaven. Cohesion amongst races is strong in the region, with little to no conflict existing along racial divides. Outsiders are similarly welcome in the region, with much of the prosperity of Stormhaven dependent on them in the form of trade and emigration.   The living standards of most of the region is well above that of surrounding nations, but despite that the disparity of wealth is significant. The wealthy class is large, making up approximately 10% of the population, with a steep drop-off to the majority peasant class, making up nearly 60%, and largely representing those living outside the city walls.   The traditions, cultural beliefs and practices, and religions of the region are as varied as its people, with no one dominant culture showing above the rest. As a place of tolerance, there is a strong draw for immigrants of a diverse background, especially those who are persecuted in other parts of the world, furthering the diversity and acceptance of the region. The main divide experienced amongst the people is that of individualism and communalism. Many of the people of Stormhaven come seeking to pave their own path and seek to do so without the boundaries of a close-knit community. These groups tend to gravitate towards the frontier, where they have room to succeed or fail on their own merits. On the opposite side, those who come seeking belonging gravitate to the city and its surrounding areas, where they can form close bonds with those around them and experience a strong sense of community.   One standout demographic of Stormhaven is that of adventurers. Being a city founded by an adventuring group, it has always been friendly towards those seeking the lifestyle and has ample opportunities for people to make their mark and start a successful adventuring career. People are drawn from across Astora to come to Stormhaven and establish themselves as capable adventurers, and many of the most famous adventuring groups across the continent got their start in this unassuming valley. An entire industry has formed around accommodating and exploiting aspirants coming to the city.  


Stormhaven operates as a constitutional Monarchy. Authority resides primarily with the crown regent, but the reach of that authority is limited in accordance to an assembly of city leaders, including several elected members along with the city’s guild representatives and other members of institutional leadership. The day-to-day running of the city is largely left to this assembly, with the crown regent focusing efforts on matters of state, such as diplomacy, military leadership, and major local policy decisions. While the crown regent is largely an inherited position, with successors chosen by abdicating regents, the city’s assembly bears the right to lawfully depose a regent in the event of a judgement of no confidence.   Throughout the majority of Stormhaven’s presence, the city’s government has been one of progression and strategic acumen. Diplomatically, it has maintained a difficult peace with four stronger, militant neighbors through nearly a century of borderline hostility without major incident. Only one crown regent has ever been deposed (though the events therein are in dispute), ending the original tradition of hereditary succession. Unrest has always been low, with the people broadly supporting the region’s leadership and enjoying living standards and stability that is difficult to find elsewhere in Astora.  


Being a regional trade hub, Stormhaven is a largely mercantile nation. Trade is the backbone of the region’s wealth and diplomatic power, and so it maintains the highest priority amongst leadership and populace alike. The sheer volume of goods and wealth that flows through the city means that despite a heavily unfavorable distribution of wealth, the vast majority of the populace is quite economically comfortable, and live fairly lavish lives compared to those in similar social classes outside the region. While the port is owned by the city, tariffs are low and trade policies are open, allowing trade to thrive and offering great wealth to those able to capitalize on the economic freedom. Additionally, even the low tariffs are applied to such a vast amount of trade that taxes upon other areas of the region are low, further boosting the economic prosperity of the nation. While low level magics are common throughout the city, the prevalence of higher-level magical goods and services are rare, and thus have little impact on the economy of Stormhaven.  


Stormhaven’s laws are set by either the crown regent or city leaders, depending on the domain of the law. Local affairs are governed by city leaders, whereas matters of state are governed by the crown regent. Both sets of laws are enforced by local police forces and follow the same criminal prosecution system. Criminal prosecution is performed by the Stormhaven Judicial Authority, who judge minor cases through basic arbitration, with court barristers assigned to review evidence and determine guilt, and prosecutorial arbiters to assign punishments based on legal guidelines and individual circumstances. Major cases are often assigned multiple barristers, often with one or more serving as advocate for each side and several operating without bias, who communally work to determine guilt (or likelihood thereof), with a committee of arbiters to determine appropriate punishments. Stormhaven operates on a punishment scale based on severity of crime, but also likelihood of guilt. Those deemed fully innocent are met with no punishment, but lack of full proof of a crime does not bar a defendant from punishment. If they are determined to be likely guilty but not provable, they may be given a slightly reduced sentence to that of a definitively guilty defendant. Similarly, a defendant accused of a high crime found to be likely innocent but not definitively so may be given a drastically reduced sentence, but not let off entirely.   Punishment for crime in Stormhaven is more corrective than deterrent, and most punishments are designed to ensure the individual does not repeat the crime rather than scaring others away from it. Those deemed definitively guilty and highly likely to repeat their crimes may be executed outright, but most are subject to labor camps, public service, or expulsion. Magic is heavily leaned on in judgement of the state’s harshest punishments, with a criminal being subjected to intense scrutiny over their motivations behind their crimes and general attitudes of malevolence. Such scrutiny is optional, but failure to comply usually results in harsher punishments. Those whose crimes are more victims of circumstance are shown greater leniency, and punishments are more geared towards reintegrating them into society as safe, productive members.   Most within the city consider nonviolent crimes to be under-enforced, with high rates of theft and thieves guilds considered all but state sponsored by many. Beyond this, Stormhaven law is lauded as highly effective, with limited corruption within the system and all members of society subject to the same laws and punishments regardless of position or connection.  


The Hinterlands in which Stormhaven is situated is a temperate, fertile valley surrounded by mountains. Two rivers flow out of the mountains, providing plentiful water to the entire valley, and serving as further natural barriers to the population living between them. East of the valley, the mountains close in on a several mile wide gap that gradually climbs to a higher plateau and dense forest region known as the Savage Wilds. The coastal range to the west has only three breaks: two for the river deltas at the north and south ends of the valley, and a narrow channel and bay upon which the city of Stormhaven is situated. The coastal range serves to shield the valley against the harsh winds of the Dagger Coast, but still allows a significant amount of precipitation to enter the valley. Summers and winters are both mild due to proximity to the coast, but the general climate trends colder, from warm, breezy summers to cold, occasionally snowy winters.  


Stormhaven is considered a very wealthy nation but possesses little in the way of natural resources. While the valley floor is fertile and very conducive to agriculture, Most of what is grown is used to feed the local population and protect against famines. There are modest veins of ores and precious metals, but not enough to justify large scale operations or provide significant exports. The true value of Stormhaven lies in its port, the only safe harbor for thousands of miles in each direction, and the sole source of trade for three of its four neighbors. The mountains around Stormhaven are possess vast mineral riches, and were once mined extensively by the Dwarven Empire of Baldur Barakat, but the area is considered far too dangerous to exploit, and the resources have lain largely untouched for centuries. Ruins of ancient empires are also quite plentiful within the valley, with several powerful empires having risen and fallen in the region over the millennia. Their presence aids greatly in drawing in aspiring adventurers to the region, with no shortage of untouched and un-looted treasures waiting to be plundered.  


Stormhaven is a nation surrounded by threats. To the north, the nations of Drennheim and Azzorah, both significantly larger and more aggressive, pose a constant threat of invasion. Likewise, to the south Brunia and Roedacia have made no attempt to Hide their desire to add the Hinterlands to their territory. All four nations want the wealth and power that comes with such a key port for themselves, and thus far only the threats of each other have prevented any of them from achieving it. Having a collective 10 million people to Stormhaven’s 200 thousand, any one of them could take it in a dedicated attempt, but all four nations are near openly hostile towards each other, and any one declaring open war would leave themselves vulnerable to the others. Stormhaven leadership works tirelessly to maintain this unstable peace, playing nations off each other and offering free trade with all of them in an attempt to make invasion as unsavory a proposition as possible.   At its founding, Stormhaven was considered a close ally of all four nations, having been granted the territory and a large sum of wealth in reward for their role in the War of the Shadow Lord. Over the decades, as the city grew into a thriving trade port and wealth began flowing through it in large quantities, the other nations began to grow envious of the small nation, and began vying to annex the lands before the others could beat them to it. As time passed, the unity in the Westerlands created by the Shadow War began to break down, and old grudges resurfaced, lending to a general air of hostility between nations. Stormhaven’s neutral position and influence as the only major trade hub for most of the Westerlands has thus far prevented all-out war on the scale experienced in centuries past, but much of the nearly two centuries of peace has been a fragile one.   Beyond the threats of other nations, Stormhaven also faces the threat of the wilds surrounding it. Ever since the collapse of the Dwarven Empire Baldur Barakat, the mountains of the Westerlands has been the domain of Orcs, Goblins, Giants, Trolls and other creatures. While incursions over Stormhaven’s life thus far have typically been small and isolated, the threat constantly looms of an organized assault. Where the mountains surrounding the valley serve as a strong protective barrier from foreign nations, they act as a great vulnerability against the creatures native to them. Attacks could come from any direction, and no natural barriers exist to protect against them save for the Nal Garum and Nal Gladir rivers. Military outposts have been built into the base of the mountains surrounding the valley to act as sentries and intercept small bands that make their way into the valley, but against a dedicated foe they provide little in the way of defense.  


The number one priority of every crown regent of Stormhaven over the last century has been to maintain the peace with its neighbors, and prevent large scale incursions from the denizens of the mountains. Beyond that, it has been the continuation of free trade, growth of diplomatic relations with those around them open to diplomacy, and the general wealth and well-being of the populace. The Hinterlands is a graveyard of empires that have risen and fallen over the millennia, and Stormhaven would like nothing more than to not join them in ruins.   While diplomacy and trade serves as their primary tool to maintaining peace with neighboring nations, Stormhaven has relied heavily on a unique asset to protect against threats from the wilds surrounding it: Adventurers. Having been founded by adventurers and always taking a supportive stance towards them, there has always been a strong draw of them to the region, and Stormhaven takes full advantage of it. They have founded guilds dedicated to jump-starting aspirants and directing them in a way that benefits the city and stymies the organization of any threats around them. Their presence is so significant that they are often considered Stormhaven’s second army.  


The current crown regent of Stormhaven is Balthazar Anaroc, crowned in 1427 ACR. As with most of Stormhaven’s leaders, he was selected to rule by his predecessor, and ratified by the city’s leaders. Balthazar continues a trend of politically savvy and popular rulers in Stormhaven that has become expected as the norm for the small kingdom. While still maintaining a strong diplomatic presence, Balthazar has also focused heavily on maintaining a strong military arm to the country, investing heavily into a much larger standing army and pool of reserve forces. This focus has left Stormhaven more defensible against invasion than it has ever been, but has also let some neglect creep into the running of the city itself. Crime rates have increased in the city, especially that of theft, and little has been done to curb the expansion and operations of the Thieves Guilds. While there has been a small uptick in unrest over the under enforcement of criminals in the city, popular support for the crown regent and ruling assembly remains high.  


Stormhaven has no patron deity or sponsored religion, and practices a policy of religious openness to all but the most insidious deities. The Cathedral of St. Pyetrov is by far the largest place of worship in the city, a non-denominational church that allows the free worship of all good and neutral aligned deities. There are many smaller places of worship, typically devoted to a single god, scattered about the city and surrounding towns. Being so close to the Savage Wilds, there is a stronger following of Silvanus than would be expected of a largely urbanized populace, especially in the frontier towns. While not a part of the nation of Stormhaven, the Chosen of Silvanus have a strong presence at the eastern edge of the valley, along the edges of the Savage Wilds. An order of priests of Gond has an enclave off the coast west of Stormhaven, and regularly visit the city for trade and to recruit new members to its order. Unlike most priests of Gond, this order has shunned the practice of invention without temperance, and instead seeks to preserve and protect dangerous magics and technologies, keeping them out of the hands of those that may misuse or abuse their powers. They also serve as a strong counter to local piracy, possessing advanced ships and weapons which they wield with prejudice in defense of the Dagger Coast.



200,000 (55% Humans, 15% Dwarves, 15% Elves, 3% Halflings, 2% Gnomes, 5% Other)
Capitol/Major Cities:
Stormhaven (Capitol, 85,000)
Official Religion:
Major Organizations:
Adventurer's Guild
Crime Rates:
Moderate, primarily petty crime
Social Unrest:


Form of governance:
Constitutional Monarchy
Current Leader:
Balthazar Anaroc Circa 1427 ACR
Drennheim, Azzorah, Brunia, Roedacia
Active wars:


Major Exports:
None, Trade Hub
Major Imports:
None, Trade Hub
National Wealth:
Very High
Wealth Inequality:


Land area:
10,000 sq. mi.
Dominant Terrain:
River valley, forest, and mountain
Temperate, Wet


Overall Strength:
Regional Underdog
Army Size/Composition:
2,500, men-at-arms (1,500 reserve, men at arms)
Navy Size/Composition:
Irregular Forces:
Adventuring Parties


1255 ACR
Previous owner/occupier:


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