Tethrin Veralde

Tethrin Veraldé is a minor elven god of swordsmanship and bladesingers. The Master of Blades encourages his followers to use martial might and magic in the defense and furthering of the elven cause.



Tethrin is an adventurous, strident deity, who firmly believes that elven blades and magic are the path to victory.

Divine Realm

Though Tethrin spends much of his time in Arborea, his own realm, Tethridar, is located on the first layer of Elysium. It is a small but pleasant domain with open fields, a fruit orchard, and a large copse of trees, inhabited by the spirits of his deceased followers who nonetheless continue to practice and hone their skills.


Tethrin’s clergy stressed the value of swordsmanship, as well as combining with it with spellcraft. Most of the church was evenly split (about 30% each) between normal clerics and specialty priests called tethryls, while the rest was evenly split between bladesingers and ordinary fighters. Despite only having relatively recently begun developing a worshiper base, several orders of bladesingers and warrior's guilds were dedicated to him and monthly attempts to bring in new converts generally succeeded.
  Aside from celebrating the holy days of Corellon and Sehanine to give thanks to the union that birthed Tethrin, a monthly holy day known as Tethrin's Match saw the clerfy show off their fighting skills, bringing healthy attention and attracting new recruits. Blue and silver robes were worn on the holy days, though they were favored for everday use either way.


Tethrin was a member of the elven pantheon, the son of Corellon Larethian and Sehanine Moonbow. He shared Tethridar with his confidant Kirith Sotheril, a minor elven goddess of enchantment and divination. Though the truth of the matter was unknown, elven stories correctly portrayed the two as lovers due to their shared realm. Other allies of his included Rellavar Danuvien, another relatively minor elf god of protection from the cold, and Solonor Thelandira, the elven god of archery and hunting.
  Tethrin had few enemies with the exception of the drow goddess Lolth, who would enjoy dealing a personal blow to both Corellon and Sehanine by striking Tethrin down. He was also opposed to her servitor demigod Selvetarm, who may have been sent by the Spider Queen in an apparently failed attempt to kill him. His concerns regarding this were somewhat lessened however, by the fact that he knew his father would see him ressurected and reinstated were he to be slain.

Tethrin Veralde


Basic Information

The Shining One
The Master of Blades




Neutral Good

Crossed swords beneath a quarter moon and above a full moon
A long sword and a short sword lying parallel to each other on a disk, both blades angled towards the upper left; a quarter moon above the swords and a full moon below.


Evocation, Bladesingers, Swordsmanship


Elven bladesingers


Magic (Arcane)
War (Duels, Tactics)



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