The Grand Defender

Made of polished iron, this mighty golem resembles a keen-eyed dwarf. It carries a warhammer and a shield bearing Torag's symbol.

The Grand Defender (CR 15)

Huge Construct (Extraplanar, Herald)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Initiative: +3
Senses: Darkvision 60 feet, Low-Light Vision; Perception +20
  Speed: 30 feet
Space: 15 feet


Armor Class: 32, touch 7, flat-footed 32 (-1 Dex, +20 natural, +5 shield, -2 size)
Hit Points: 157 (18d10+58)
Saving Throws: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +8
Damage Reduction: 15/adamantine
Immunity: construct traits, magic


Melee: warhammer +27/+22/+17/+12 (3d6+11/x3)
Reach: 15 feet
  Special Attacks: Breath Weapon, hammer storm


32 (+11) 9 (-1) - 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1)
Base Attack Bonus: +18
CMB +31 (+33 Bull Rush)
CMD 40 (46 vs. Bull Rush, 44 vs. Trip)
  Feats: Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Great Cleave, Powerful Maneuvers, Improved Initiative, Stand Still, Throw Anything, Toughness
  Skills: Knowledge (dungeoneering, engineering, history, local, nature, religion) +11, Perception +20
  Languages: Celestial, Dwarven, Ignan, Terran
  Special Qualities: ablative adaptation, defender's shield, dwarf traits (defensive training, hardy, hatred, stability, stonecunning, weapon familiarity) Other


Special Abilities

Ablative Adaptation (Su)

As a standard action, the Grand Defender can shed its outer layer of metal, revealing a slightly smaller version of itself underneath. This new form may be made of cold iron (changing its DR to 15/cold iron), mithral (DR 15/silver), or iron (DR 15/adamantine, as normal). Its attacks count as this metal type for overcoming damage reduction. If the herald is brought to 0 hit points, it becomes inert; 1d4 hours after it last took damage, it sheds its outer layer and reanimates at half its normal hit points. Once shed, the outer layer decays into worthless powder over 1d4 minutes.

Breath Weapon (Su)

The herald's poisonous breath weapon functions like that of an iron golem (free action every 1d4 rounds, 10 ft. cube, Fort DC 19, 1d4 Con, 2 consecutive saves). The save DC is Constitution-based. The cloud persists for 1 round.

Defender's Shield (Ex)

The herald's shield is a +3 heavy steel shield, though it becomes nonmagical if the herald is destroyed or is no longer holding or wearing it.

Hammer Storm (Ex)

The herald can expel a volley of warhammers from its mouth, which functions like a breath weapon (30-foot cone, 15d6 bludgeoning damage plus Awesome Blow, Reflex 19 half, usable 1/day). If the herald is in its cold iron or mithral form, these hammers count as cold iron or silver, respectively. The herald can exclude any number of squares in the cone. The hammer storm creates 24 physical warhammers that persist after the instantaneous attack and may be used by creatures (though they're normal warhammers, not masterwork, cold iron, or mithral). The herald can spend 1 minute eating 24 warhammers (or an equivalent amount of metal such as that created by its ablative adaptation ability) to recharge this ability. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Immunity to Magic (Su)

The herald has the same immunity to magic as an iron golem.


Environment: Any Land
Organization: solitary
Treasure: standard

  The Grand Defender is a powerful golem-like tomb that serves as the communal body and resting place of Torag's greatest dwarven heroes.
  It stands 18 feet tall and weighs approximately 10 tons.


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