Tiger Pounce

(Style, Combat)
Your unarmed strikes are as precise as they are powerful, but they leave you open and you can pursue foes with blinding speed.


Improved Unarmed Strike, Tiger Claws, Tiger Style, base attack bonus +9 or Monk, Astoran level 8th.


While using the Tiger Style feat, you can apply the penalty from Power Attack to your AC instead of attack rolls. Additionally, once per round as a Swift Action, you can move up to half your speed closer to a target you hit with an unarmed strike or made a successful combat maneuver against on this turn or your last turn.

Combat Trick

If you have a Stamina pool, the following Combat Trick may be used with this feat.
  When using Tiger Style, you can spend 2 Stamina points and take a Swift Action to move closer to an enemy you’ve hit with an unarmed strike or made a successful combat maneuver against at any point during this combat, instead of one you hit on this or your last turn.

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