Totem Guide Companion

Totem guides embody the wisdom and spirituality of the natural world, providing guidance as well as aid in combat. Once a totem guide is chosen, a character can replace the companion if it is slain but must choose the same kind of totem guide.

Spiritual Guidance ()

At 3rd level, a totem guide can use Guidance as a spell-like ability at will as a Full-Round Action, targeting itself or its master. In addition, a totem guide’s master can spontaneously cast the following spells while adjacent to the totem guide by sacrificing a spell slot of equal or higher level: Detect Animals or Plants (1st), Augury (2nd), Helping Hand (3rd), Divination (4th), Commune with Nature (5th), and Find the Path (6th). The totem guide serves as a divine focus for these spells, but costly material components must still be provided.
  This replaces Evasion.

Beast Speech (Ex)

At 6th level, a totem guide can speak with its master as though the two share a common language, and it can speak with other Animals of its species (or, at the DM’s discretion, other creatures with similar types).
  This replaces devotion.

Eldritch Claws

At 9th level, a totem guide gains Eldritch Claws as a bonus feat.
  This replaces Multiattack.

Ghost Guardian (Ex)

At 15th level, a totem guide’s natural weapons deal full damage to Incorporeal creatures, and its Natural Armor Bonus applies against Incorporeal touch attacks. A totem guide can never be transformed into or animated as an Undead creature.
  This replaces improved Evasion.


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