Troodon - Dinosaur Companion

This small, slender-necked dinosaur’s bright, inquisitive eyes seem to miss nothing.


Dinosaur Companion


Size: Small
Speed: 40 ft.
Armor Class: -
7 (-2) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1)
Attack: bite (1d4), 2 claws (1d3)
Special Qualities: Easily Trained, Low-Light Vision, Scent

4th-Level Advancement

Size: Medium
Armor Class: +1 natural armor
Attack: bite (1d6), 2 claws (1d4)
Ability Score Enhancement:


Special Abilities

Easily Trained (Ex)

A troodon is unusually quick to pick up tricks and animal training. All Handle Animal checks made to train a troodon gain a +2 bonus. A troodon can learn an additional 2 tricks beyond what an animal of its Intelligence can normally be taught.


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