Uranus (Dead)

Uranus was a greater power of skies, the progenitor of the greater titans, and the grandfather of the first Olympians. He was widely believed to be a dead power, though there wasn't concrete evidence that he perished.



Avatars of Uranus took the old and grizzled warriors, with dark eyes that burnt with a desire for revenge.


The disposition of Uranus is marked by cruelty, jealousy, and if still alive as some claim, he is quite bitter over being overthrown.


According to those who believe Uranus is still alive, he seeks to cause harm to his former wife and to spoil any plans of the Olympian powers. His avatar also allegedly appears to hinder any attempts to free the greater titans or attempts to reach the site where they are imprisoned.


Whatever priests that Uranus had left in the multiverse lived in secrecy, regularly hiring themselves out as fighters whilst using their clerical powers to further the goals of their god. They were proficient in all manner of weaponry and had access to spells from the spheres of astral, combat, divination, healing, protection. Most notably, unlike other clerics, those of Uranus were capable of casting their spells without the use of material, somatic, or verbal components.


According to the Olympians' understanding of how the multiverse came to be, as documented in their the tome the Great Theogony, before everything began there was nothing but an indescribable roiling mass of chaos. From this chaos arose various aspects of nature, such as the planes of Arborea and Tarterus, and a handful of primeval gods that included Gaea and Eros. During this time, Uranus was created by Gaea and soon after married her.
  From their union a powerful race of beings known as the greater titans were created, who by some accounts numbered eleven or twelve in total. Uranus favored the titans above all other children he would come to have with Gaea, giving them special treatment. Some of the children that followed were fair in appearance like the titans, whilst others were far more monstrous, such as the cyclopses and the hecatoncheires. Horrified by their hideousness, to the point that he hated to look upon them, Uranus hid his monstrous progeny away far from the eyes and minds of mortals.
  Some accounts told of Uranus locking his progeny up inside Gaea's own earthen depths, causing her pain. Others told of him imprisoning them in the plane of Tarterus. Regardless of where they were imprisoned, his act angered Gaea and over time she grew sickened by the imprisoned state of her children. Gaea convinced one of her children, the greater titan Cronus, to overthrow his father and thus avenge her mistreatment.
  Cronus, accepting the goading of his mother, did battle with Uranus<ref name="OHG-p129"> and critically wounded him. Blood fell from his wounds upon Gaea, which fertilized her once more and caused the creation of the Furies and the gigantes. The wounded Uranus fled from the battle to the farthest reaches of the multiverse. From there on, it was unclear as to what his fate ultimately was.
  Some believed Uranus had died, unable to heal from the injuries inflicted upon him, and became one of the first dead powers in the Astral Plane. However, numerous attempts to search for his body in the Astral came up empty. Because of this, there was fearful speculation among both the greater titans and their progeny, the Olympian powers. Speculation that Uranus may have survived the battle with his oldest son and went into hiding, plotting his eventual return and amassing an army that neither could hope to stand against.

Uranus (Dead)

Dead Power

Basic Information

Father Sky



Chaotic Evil












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