
Velsharoon, also known as Mellifleur, is the Astoran demigod of necromancy, the patron of liches and those that explore undeath. Arrogant and obsessed, the Archmage of Necromancy continues his experiments on the living and the dead as a god, paying no heed to the lesser lives lost in the name of his research and encouraging his disciples to do the same.



Velsharoon appeared as a gaunt, sallow-skinned man 10 feet (3 meters) in height, his deathly cold flesh stretched thin over his bones, and whose thin and graying hair flowed across his back in a snarl. He dressed in purple, worm-ridden, moth-eaten robes, with a tarnished silver crown on his head. His eyes were pitch black pits with tiny green flames moving malevolently within. Manifestations
  Velsharoon's favored manifestation was a burning skull, wreathed in red, pale blue or blue-green flames. He was fond of using various gemstones to denote his favor or presence of hues including black, purple, maroon, rust-red, gray, and a bright and unnatural green reminiscent of green slimes. The sudden appearance of a bloodrose was said to herald him.


As a god, Velsharoon is canny, yet extremely vain and selfish, concerned overmuch with revenge and experimenting on both living and dead. This is not a great change from the mortal he was.

Divine Realm

Velsharoon has his divine realm called Death's Embrace on Mungoth, the third mount of Gehenna in the Great Wheel cosmology. In the World Tree cosmology it lies on the magical plane of Dweomerheart, far underground beneath Azuth and The Eye. In appearance a moldy tomb, Death's Embrace is a repository of all necromantic knowledge.



Although he nominally served Azuth (and through him, Mystra), Velsharoon re-established a secret alliance with Talos and a flirtatious relationship with Shar.
  He became an ally of Kiaransalee, and a foe of Jergal, Sehanine Moonbow and Urogalan.
  After the Second Sundering, Velsharoon was believed to think little of Myrkul, considering him a do-nothing has-been, with Myrkul returning a symmetrical sentiment for the grasping upstart.


As a Red Wizard of Thay, Velsharoon fought a spell-battle to a draw against Omm Hlandrar of Halruaa in the skies over the Shaar in the Year of the Sacrificed Fortune, 827 DR.[note 2]
  Once, Velsharoon had sought the position of Zulkir of Necromancy, but he feuded with several other Red Wizards, including his chief rival, Szass Tam, who saw him driven out of Thay. Thereafter, he was known as a renegade wizard of Thay, and one of the most powerful archmages in the Realms by the mid–14th century DR. At that time, he was known to be a foe to Omm Hlandrar, Halder of Delzimmer, Elminster, the Simbul, and Mempter. The former four had challenged Velsharoon in his wicked plots. In turn, the arch-necromancer worked to acquire enough power to destroy those who'd opposed him.
  In the Plains of Purple Dust, he had discovered a process to achieve demigodhood through a potion which called for the blood of adventurers. In the late 1350s DR, those archmages who'd opposed him feared for their safety and for the safety and stability of the Realms. The infamy of his actions had traveled so far, that he was heard of in the Moonshaes even. The process had been devised by the god Talos, who needed a new demigod. This culminated with his lichdom and then ascension in the year 1368 DR. As a god, he was granted Cyric's portfolio over necromancy; sages speculated this was to counterbalance Kelemvor's dislike for the undead. His fame grew in divinity, becoming known to Khelben Arunsun.
  However, his service to Talos required him to expend his divine energy far too quickly, and he soon turned his allegiance to Azuth. He later made a secret alliance of convenience with Talos, using his servants' undead servants to spread chaos and destruction; he was not liked by either of his masters, because of this. He also began flirting with Shar. He ultimately lost his divine realm to the Spellplague in 1385 DR.
  He was destroyed by the Simbul in 1425 DR, leaving behind his charred body, which was watched in Aglarond since. However, his cult was still alive and had access to divine spells within Mulmaster after the Second Sundering, indicating he may have been restored by Ao during the event.



Basic Information

Archmage of Necromancy
The Necromancer
The Vaunted
Lord of the Forsaken Crypt
Lord of the Forgotten Crypt
The Lich-Lord
Patron of Evil Liches




Neutral Evil

A crowned laughing lich skull on a black hexagon


Liches, Necromancy, Necromancers, Undeath

Favored Weapon
Skull Staff of the Necromancer (quarterstaff)


Cult of the Dragon
Seekers of immortality through undeath


Death (Undead)
Magic (Arcane, Rites)

Favored Aspects

Scarab beetles

Blazing bones
Crawling claws
Flesh golems



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