Whispering Way Disciple

Your research has gained the attention of the Whispering Way, which rewards you with access to its libraries.


Associate (Whispering Way).


You can Exploit Lore acquired from the Whispering Way once per day to combine your own blood and a vial of unholy water to create a potion of cure light wounds or a potion of inflict light wounds as a Full-Round Action. The blood loss from this transformation deals 1 point of Constitution damage to you. In addition, in any settlement that is the size of a small town or larger, you can always find scrolls of the following spells available for purchase regardless of their legality: animate Dead, control undead, create undead, detect undead, disrupt undead, false life, greater false life, ghoul touch, lesser animate Dead, mass repair undead, repair undead, and undead anatomy I-IV.

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