
You are on good terms with a large organization, though not necessarily an official member.


Maintain a positive relationship with an organization for at least 6 months or achieve a major accomplishment on behalf of an organization.


Select a single organization with which you have a positive relationship. You gain a +4 Circumstance Bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence members of that group or when making gather information checks about the organization. In any settlement that is the size of a small town or larger, you can spend 1d4 hours to attempt to track down a representative of your organization to gain a minor resource or service for free (such as information), a place to stay, or transportation. If you succeed at a Diplomacy check (DC = 20 + the gp cost of the service requested [minimum 1 gp]), you successfully call in a favor and gain that service for free; otherwise, you must pay the normal fee. You can attempt this check once per week.


You can take this feat multiple times. Each time you select this feat, you Associate yourself with an additional organization.