Wild Surge

Though many spellcasters like to consider their use of magic a science, the effects of magic are not always easy to predict. Wild, uncontrolled magic sometimes surges as a side effect of spellcasting or magical experimentation. Some even find themselves embracing the chaos of wild magic, channelling the power of it and attempting to bend it to their will.  

Triggering a Wild Surge

There are several means by which a wild surge can be triggered, whether intentionally or not.  

Dispel and Counterspell

Whenever a natural 1 or 20 is rolled in a dispel magic/psionics or Counterspell attempt, a wild surge occurs. In the case of a natural 1, the surge centers on the caster/counterspeller. In the case of a natural 20, the surge is centered on the target of the dispel or counterspell. If the subject of the dispel check is not a creature, there is no surge effect on a natural 20.  

Failed Concentration

When a caster fails their Concentration check, they must make a will save with a DC of 10 plus the spell's level plus how much they failed their concentration by. On a failed save, a wild surge triggers. If the wild surge effect modifies the spell effect, then the spell effect triggers despite the failed concentration check, but the target is random (50% original target, 50% random target in range).  

Wild Magic Zone

There exist places where the weave is unstable, whether by nature or by act. Any spell cast or magic item activated in one of these areas has a chance of triggering a wild surge. The strength of the zone dictates the chances of a surge. Those that are the least stable produce a surge on every instance, and others require a will save with a set DC to avoid triggering one.  

Breaking Magic Items

Breaking a magical item can release the arcane energies stored in it in spectacular, unpredictable ways. Any time a magic item is destroyed, it triggers a wild surge in addition to any other effects the release of that energy may entail.


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