Wretched Curator

Some fools fear the written word, but you that understand knowledge-all knowledge-is a valuable tool, and restricting it out of superstition is abominable in your eyes.


You must have purchased a scroll or spellbook containing a spell with the evil descriptor in a place where such dealings are illegal, or must have the Secret Society Inductee or Diabolical Upbringing background.


You can always purchase potions and scrolls of spells with the evil descriptor at a 10% discount, even if they are not normally available in a settlement because of its size or the local laws. You gain a +4 bonus on Knowledge (arcana), Spellcraft, and Use Magic Device checks related to spells with the evil descriptor or evil written works.


You must own scrolls of spells with the evil descriptor or tomes of forbidden lore worth a total of 50 gp per character level, and be the primary caster of a successful occult ritual of at least 5th level that has the evil descriptor.

Completion Benefit

Every time you cast a spell with the evil descriptor, you can remove that descriptor from the spell and treat yourself as a neutral-aligned caster for the purpose of determining the spell's effects, circumventing defenses such as protection from evil and preventing detection via detect evil and similar effects. If you cast a spell with the evil descriptor and do not remove that descriptor, you instead gain 2 temporary hit points per spell level. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour.

Required For