
There are, in the martial arts, certain powers that defy conventional explanation. Call them super-normal, "Spirit Powers," or Kamijitsu. They are all Zenjoriki. Like Chi Mastery powers, Zenjoriki requires the use of a practitioner's chi to manifest. Conversely, Zenjoriki powers are entirely external to the practitioner, affecting creatures and objects around them rather than themselves. Once unlocked, these powers become inherent to the character, and can be used freely any time.  

Calm Minds (Su)

Using this ability is like spreading oil on the troubled waters of an angry mob. The practitioner channels their Chi around them in a soothing and calming wave, halting aggression in the minds of those affected. Using this ability can stop a fight in its tracks, or prevent one that's about to start from happening.
  Add Diplomacy to your class skill list. Activate this power as a full round action to force every creature within a 60 ft. radius to make a Will Save with a DC of 10 plus your Diplomacy rank. On a failure, they cannot take offensive actions while the effect lasts. If any offensive act is taken against an affected creature, or one of their allies, the effect immediately ends for them. If you take any offensive actions, or dismiss the effect, it ends immediately for everyone. Otherwise, it lasts for 1d6+1 rounds. Suppresses all Fear effects while active on a creature. A creature who makes its save or is affected by calm minds cannot be affected again for 10 minutes. Costs 2 Chi to activate.

Guiding Chi (Su)

A practitioner of Guiding Chi can channel their own Chi into their surroundings in a special form. The released Chi takes on a form visible only to the practitioner, and will flow towards the greatest concentration of nearby Chi, leaving a glowing trail of energy behind it. By following this line, a practitioner can track down sources of strong Chi, or those nearby with particularly large reserves of Chi.
  As a full round action you can spend 2 Chi to create a glowing line of energy that only you can see. This energy leads towards the highest local concentration of Chi. You may specify when you use it whether it leads to positive Chi, negative Chi, or whichever of the two has the strongest presence in the area. The line lasts for 10 minutes, or until you dispel it.

Vibrating Palm (Su)

By setting up sympathetic, destructive vibrations in an Object, the vibrating palm power can shatter nearly any material Object. Using the Vibrating Palm power requires complete and undivided attention. No other actions can be performed, not even talking, without ending the effect and requiring the practitioner to start over.
  This action requires you to channel on a single inanimate Object within close range, weighing no more than 20 lbs per character level. The first round of channeling deals 1 damage to the Object. Each round after the first, the damage doubles, up to a maximum of 10 rounds. Costs 1 Chi per round to maintain. If an Object is held or carried by a creature with Power Resistance, you must overcome it with a manifester level check (your manifester level is your character level for this check), or it has no effect. Any interruption, such as being attacked, Knocked Down, shoved, or taking any form of damage, ends the power.


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