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Nedaos Grey

Nedaos Grey

His name is Nedaos Grey, a Aasimar Protector, that passes among the people keeping his ancestry a secret. Widely known for his helpfulness with both a hammer in the forge and soft hands in the medical tents. Spreading an almost contagious boost to morale where ever he may appear. Although he may appear soft, Nedaos has also been known to lend a mighty hand in the defense of the people, against man, beast, or other.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Nedaos Grey, found himself at a young age amongst the people. Orphaned and alone raised by the people with the only thing to guide him to his parentage being that of a White Dove Necklace, even in such trying times he found that one of the only things keeping people going was unity and hope for a better time. The Death of the gods in the past have helped in no way.   After being discovered by the Menders Nedaos become one of sorts. Taken from Aberrang the Capital of the humans, He was put under the guidance of Valka Grey. Valka Grey not only trained and cared for Nedaos like his own son but continued experiments with the blood of Nedaos discovering its healing properties. After years under Grey's tutelage, Nedaos was introduced as a full blooded Mender. And with the whole of the Mender's older more traditional faction against him leaving, and the newer more understanding faction supporting him. Nedaos was snuck out of the Manaharr under the cover of night. With His pilgrimage of sorts underway, Nedaos felt a new sense of freedom and a new desire to help.   Still keeping up with the going on with the Mender and Valka at ManaHarr.

Gender Identity

I'm a Male? Why do you ask me these questions?


I do not have the time for relationships.... There is just to much work to be done in these trying times.   I will admit though.... There is someone that haunts my dreams.... Yes She is lovely to look at.... And yet it saddens me to see her..... Alone against a strong wind.... Short White hair..... Fair skin.....White crown that floats above her head.... And its that moment when she looks over her shoulder at me and smiles..... thats when I feel my heart tear apart.


Taught by the Forgemasters, and Menders/Valkas of the world through his travels often times finding himself being the apprentice for one or another at any given time.

Intellectual Characteristics

I've read some books, Often times if I have free time i'll pull one out of the collection and give it a good read.   I've enjoyed the storied told by the campfire..... And No I'm not a fan of the scary ones.... No I do not want to be told about the tall man in the woods.

Morality & Philosophy

The world is a dark and terrible place. I've decided to serve as a beacon of light shining out against the gathering shadows


No Matter how low we are on food I absolutely will not touch the meat of another Valka.   No I do not kill unless I absolutely have too.... Yes I've slaughtered animals, people have to be fed don't they? We don't have the time to farm.

Personality Characteristics


Nedaos Grey, Hopes to see a future where all the Race's old and new are united against troubles. Assisting each other without a need to see race, whether it be Human, Varl or other.

Personality Quirks

A medallion in the shape of white dove can often times be seen in my possession.... Yes I'm a believer.... A believer in a better future.


Very clean, even taking the time ouf of a busy day to find a stream or river nearby to cleanse.


Family Ties


Hobbies & Pets

Tends to any and all animals he comes across.
Lawful good
Current Residence
Heterochromia (Blue and Green)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.   When spiders unite, they can tie down a lion.   Unity is strength…when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.   We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.   Even the weak become strong when they are united.   In union there is strength.
Known Languages
Common and Celestial

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