
Chrono-Liches are undead abominations transformed by the malevolent influence of the Doomsday Chronometer. Their appearances are grotesque and horrifying, a reflection of their relentless aging and decay. Their flesh is withered and desiccated, stretched tightly over their bones, and their eyes are sunken hollows that gleam with malevolence. They emit an aura of unnatural stillness and silence.   Chrono-Liches were once individuals who unwittingly stumbled into the influence of the Doomsday Chronometer, either by tampering with the artifact or simply being within its vicinity. The artifact accelerated their aging, transforming them into abominable undead creatures bound to the horrors of accelerated time.   Chrono-Liches have the power to accelerate the aging process of living beings within their proximity. They can inflict rapid aging upon their victims, causing them to wither and decay in a matter of moments.  
  • They possess limited control over the flow of time, allowing them to manipulate time-based spells and magic with horrifying precision. They can create temporal anomalies, making it difficult for spellcasters to use their abilities effectively.
  • Their undead nature renders them immune to many forms of damage, and their withered bodies can shrug off blows that would fell lesser creatures.
  • Chrono-Liches are driven by a malevolent desire to spread the horrors of accelerated time and decay. They aim to unleash the Doomsday Chronometer's powers upon the world, causing an age of torment and suffering where life is but a fleeting and agonizing moment.
  Chrono-Liches can drain the remaining years of life from their victims, adding these stolen moments to their own existence. They become increasingly powerful as they continue to accumulate stolen lifespans.

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