
The Wispwraith is a mysterious and elusive spectral entity that appears as a shimmering, ghostly light, akin to a floating will-o'-the-wisp. It has a faint, ethereal outline that hints at a humanoid form but remains ever-changing and insubstantial.   Wispwraiths are often found in places of ancient enchantments, such as forgotten temples or mystical groves, where the boundaries between the material and ethereal planes are thin. They are known to lead travelers astray with their mesmerizing radiance, luring them into dangerous territory.  


  • The Wispwraith exists in a constant state of incorporeality, making it immune to most physical attacks. It can pass through walls and obstacles with ease.
  • The Wispwraith emits a soft, entrancing glow that mesmerizes those who look directly at it. Those who fall under its spell may become disoriented or fall into a trance.
  • The Wispwraith can manipulate the ethereal energies around it, creating illusory, ghostly images, and sounds that play on the fears and desires of those who encounter it.
  • The Wispwraith can momentarily become corporeal, allowing it to reach out with ghostly tendrils to attempt to drain the life force or memories of its victims

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