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Gnolls are a horrific predatory race of hyena like humanoids bent on pillaging and destruction. They prey upon the weak, using overwhelming odds and fiendish fury to wreak havoc where they may.  

Demonic Heritage

It is said that at some point in Astoria's history, creatures of the Abyss invaded The Prime Material Plane, leaving a trail of blood and carnage in their wake. Wicked hyenas fed upon that carnage and were transformed, becoming the first Gnolls. From that terrifying origin, gnoll clans spread across the lands, sowing chaos and destruction wherever they went.  

Nomadic Predators

Since their beginnings gnolls have been nomads, their clans wandering the lands seeking prey. They strike under cover of darkness, take what they will, and move on. They attack in numbers and assault weak targets to guarantee their victory.  

Ferocious Clans

Towering at over 7 feet tall with a powerful build, a singular gnoll is a strong and ferocious beast. That they prowl in great numbers only makes them more fearsome. Though chaotic in nature, gnolls roam in clans led by strong alphas. The clan is strength, security, and family, thus a gnoll is loyal to her clan above all else. The only crimes in gnoll society are crimes against fellow members of your clan, and punishment for those crimes is to be branded as an outcast and exiled. Such exiles, rejected by gnoll society, seek out bonds elsewhere and make loyal adventuring companions.  

The Fury of the Fiend

The instinctual fury to spread chaos and carnage across the land is carried within the foul heart of most gnolls, and doubly so in abyssal gnolls. Most gnolls crave chaos and carnage above all, and are feared by civil and uncivil beings alike. Gnolls who don’t exhibit such vile tastes and who don’t help their clan in its conquests quickly become outcasts from the clan, exiled for their weakness.  

Diplomacy with Other Races

Gnolls aren’t known for their keen ability to get along with others. Quite the opposite - most gnolls are bent on chaos and destruction and are not concerned with folk outside of their own clans. Gnolls see the civilized races of elves, dwarves and men as soft, weak, easy prey but respect the strength shown by more violent and warlike humanoids. Gnoll adventurers who have left the clan may feel differently.  

Gnoll Names

Born in small litters, a gnoll’s first, given, name is granted by its mother and frequently resembles guttural howls, growls, and violent grunts, as befits their violent nature. As they grow they are given nicknames by their clan that evoke the nature of the individual gnoll’s physical presence or personality.   Male Names: Gnarl Sabreclaw, Haarul Fangtooth, Garr the Stalker, Luurgh Proudmane, Torgon Limbrender, Hurk Spearmaster, Hyen Keensnout, Kurgen the Bald, Gaarnok Brokenfang, Lem Killmaster   Female Names: Aren Fleetfoot, Kicki Glaivesnout, Bardaka Spottedfur, Karella Longtooth, Tiamok the Wild, Keena Bloodfist, Awhoo Boldhowl, Mowak Swiftpaws, Kowa Grinningmaw, Trassa Stormeyes   Clan Names: Clan names are taken to instill pride amongst clan members, and terror amongst clan enemies. Some clans change names with their alpha’s, while others maintain a historic clan title. Sabreclaw’s Scourge, The Prowling Limbrenders, The Blood Fangs, and The Kill by Death Clan are typical clan monikers.  


Three subraces of gnolls exist: Abyssal gnolls, Clan gnolls, and Flinds.   Abyssal Gnoll
All gnolls trace their heritage to the Abyss, but some have actual abyssal blood flowing through their veins. These gnolls can spook the pack with their savage claws, slavering fangs, fierce countenance, and eyes aglow with abyssal energy.   Clan Gnoll
Gnolls trace their heritage to the bloodthirsty hyenas who fed upon carrion and carnage left by an Abyssal invasion of The Prime Material Plane. Packs of gnolls, known as clans, have prowled the lands since. A Clan Gnoll is the most common form of gnoll.   Flind
Some gnolls in a clan are born somewhat brighter and wilier than their clan brethren. These shorter and stockier gnolls, called flinds, often use their wits to rise to prominence amongst the clan.

Gnoll Traits

Ability Score Increase
Gnolls are strong brutish beasts. Your Strength score increases by 2.   Age
Gnolls have short life spans compared to most intelligent races. As a gnoll you reach adulthood in 7 years and at best will live to be 30.   Alignment
Gnoll packs are vicious and cruel. Gnolls tend toward chaotic evil. A gnoll who leaves her pack to adventure on her own may have a different outlook.   Brutal Bite
You can use a bonus action to make a bite attack. Your bite is a melee attack with a 5 foot reach and the finesse trait. Your bite does 1d4 piercing damage.   Size
Gnolls are tall and sturdy, typically reaching between 7 and 7 ½ feet tall and weight 250-300 pounds. Your size is Medium.   Speed
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Darkvision
Gnoll vision is acute in the darkness. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.    Languages
You can speak, read and write Common and Gnoll.   

Subrace Traits

Abyssal Gnoll
Ability Score Increase
Your Constitution score increases by 1.   Beastial Claws
Your claws are a lethal weapon you are proficient with. They have a reach of five feet and have the finesse trait. Your claws inflict 1d6 slashing damage. Starting at 6th level your claws count as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. Starting at 11th level your claws inflict 1d8 slashing damage.   Eyes of the Fiend
The abyssal glare in your eyes is horrifying to most creatures. You have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks. FIENDISH RESISTANCE. The abyssal blood flowing through your veins gives a frightening spark in your eyes and supernatural resistance. Your pupils gleam white like ice, crackle blue with electricity, glare red with flame or shimmer a sickening green and you are resistant to a corresponding energy of your choice - cold, lightning, fire or poison.   Fiendish Flurry
Once as a reaction when you are damaged by a creature within 30 feet of you that you can see you may move up to 30 feet to that creature and unleash a full melee attack action. You have advantage on these attacks. Once you use Fiendish Flurry you can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.   Clan Gnoll
Ability Score Increase
Your Dexterity score increases by 1.   Gnoll Weapon Proficiencies
You are proficient with flails, spears, glaives and longbows.    Pack Tactics
You gain advantage on one attack roll per round against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.    Vicious Rampage
When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points with a melee attack on your turn, you can take a bonus action to move up to half your speed and make a bite attack.   Flind
Ability Score Increase
Your Intelligence score increases by 1.   Flind Weapon Proficiencies
You are proficient with flind bars and longbows.    Sly Like a Flind
Your improved instincts give you advantage on Wisdom (insight) checks.    Pack Tactics
You gain advantage on one attack roll per round against a creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

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