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Lupe are nomadic humanoids that exist in packs all across Astoria. Claiming no land and claimed by no country or king, they live a wild and free existence.   

Fur and fang

Lupe are similar to humans in shape and size, but tend to have larger builds. They are covered in thick fur that varies in color depending on the region in which they live. Lupe also have sharp teeth and claws as well as fur-covered ears and a tail extending from the base of their tail bones. Because of their appearance they are often confused with werecreatures and are discriminated against and sometimes receive violent welcomes. Several varieties of Lupe exist, with each exhibiting different physical traits. It is not uncommon to find a pack of Lupe whose members vary in appearance - some resembling wolves or coyotes, and others having a more fox- or jackal-like appearance. This appearance is usually hereditary - wolf parents will have wolf children - but on rare occasions a dormant trait can produce an offspring with a different animal resemblance than its parents.  

Strength in numbers

Lupe have very honor-based societies. They tend to live in close-knit clans and are rarely seen living in cities and towns, especially alone. They care deeply for those from the same clan, sometimes even willing to give their own lives in defense of friend or kin. A pack is generally led by a single individual, male or female; usually an elder member of the pack, who makes decisions regarding hunting, scouting, defense, and relocation. A Packleader's word is law, and very few question any decisions once they are made, though appeals can be put forth should enough of the pack disagree.  


While there are several different varieties of Lupe across Astoria, each of the four Subraces can be found in any Lupe pack.    Beasthide
Stoic and solid, a Beasthide Lupe draws strength and stability from the beast within. Beasthide Lupe are usually the largest members of their packs, serving as front line fighters and defenders. Their thick hides and hardy constitutions make them well suited for the task, and can take a heavy beating.    Longtooth
Longtooth Lupe are fierce and aggressive, but they form deep bonds with their friends. Whereas Beasthides are the defenders, Longtooth Lupe are the strikers, moving in and dealing heavy damage with vicious bites and slashes.   Swiftstride
Swiftstride Lupe are graceful and quick. Swiftstrides are the eyes and ears of their packs, serving as forward scouts and trailblazers.    Wildhunt
Wildhunt Lupe are rare. Usually, a pack only has one individual born with the gift. They are prized trackers and hunters, and are held in a place of honor in their packs. Unlike the other subraces of Lupe, however, Wildhunts don't take on any major physical changes when they shift. Instead, their senses heighten, with the only noticeable difference from their normal appearance being a slight dilation of the pupils or other similar subtle changes.

Lupe Traits

Ability Score Increase
Your Dexterity score increases by 1.   Age
Lupe are quick to mature both physically and emotionally, reaching young adulthood at age 10. They rarely live to be more than 70 years old.   Alignment
Lupe tend toward neutrality, being more focused on survival than concepts of good and evil. A love of personal freedom can drive Lupe toward chaotic alignments.   Size
Lupe range from 5 to almost 7 feet tall, depending on which canid they bear a resemblance to. Your size is Medium.   Speed
Your base walking speed is 30 feet.   Darkvision
You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.   Keen Senses
You have proficiency in the Perception skill.   Shifting
As a bonus action, you can assume a more bestial appearance. This transformation lasts for 1 minute, until you die, or until you revert to your normal appearance as a bonus action. When you shift, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point). You also gain benefits that depend on your Lupe subrace, described in the sidebar. Once you shift, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.   Languages
You can read and write Common, Lupe, and one other language of your choice.    

Subrace Traits

Ability Score Increase
Your Constitution score increases by 2.   Tough
You have proficiency in the Athletics skill.   Shifting Feature
Whenever you shift, you gain 1d6 additional temporary hit points, and while shifted, you have a +1 bonus to your AC.   Longtooth
Ability Score Increase
Your Strength score increases by 2.   Fierce
You have proficiency in the Intimidation skill.   Shifting Feature
While shifted, you can use your elongated fangs to make an unarmed strike as a bonus action. If you hit with your fangs, you can deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.   Swiftstride
Ability Score Increase
Your Dexterity and Charisma scores increase by 1.   Graceful
You have proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.   Swift Stride
Your walking speed increases by 5 feet.   Shifting Feature
While shifted, your walking speed increases by an additional 5 feet. Additionally, you can move up to 10 feet as a reaction when an enemy ends its turn within 5 feet of you. This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks.   Wildhunt
Ability Score Increase
Your Wisdom score increases by 2.   Natural Tracker
You have proficiency in the Survival skill.   Mark the Scent
As a bonus action, you can mark one creature you can see within 10 feet of you. Until the end of your next long rest, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make to find the marked creature, and you always know the location of that creature if it is within 60 feet of you. You can’t use this trait again until you finish a short or long rest.   Shifting Feature
While shifted, you have advantage on Wisdom checks.

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