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The Elemental Plane of Earth

The Elemental Plane of Earth is one of the four Inner Planes. The Elemental Plane of Earth can be reached via the Ethereal Plane, an adjacent elemental plane, or by an elemental vortex. A vortex called the Pale River leads to the Elemental Plane of Water and a vortex called the Iron Crucible connects to the Elemental Plane of Fire. If traveling through the Deep Ethereal, a brown curtain of vaporous color indicates the boundary of the Plane of Earth's Border Ethereal region. Once in the Border Ethereal, a traveler can observe the Plane of Earth and be detected by its denizens. This plane is adjacent to the Elemental Plane of Water and the Elemental Plane of Fire. Elemental vortices can occur wherever a high concentration or nearly pure form of an element is found, and can be temporary or permanent. Vortices to the Plane of Earth are nearly always found in the heart of mountain ranges, particularly young ones. Temporary gates can be created by the plane shift spell or the abilities of high level druids.


The Elemental Plane of Earth is an infinite expanse of solid matter pockmarked by bubbles of other elements and riddled with fissures and tunnels created by burrowing creatures or the occasional small mining operation. Ensconced in a few of these pockets are trading outposts and the rare hidden wizard fortress. Solid does not imply stationary: the substances of this plane are constantly moving in a slow, grinding motion punctuated by earthquakes from small tremors to massively violent upheavals. Open spaces are gradually filled by the relentless shifting (or marauding earth elementals) unless action is taken to prevent it. Air can be found in scattered pockets, but unbreathable gasses are also present—unprepared travelers lucky enough to arrive in a cavern might slowly asphyxiate while the unlucky quickly suffocate by being buried alive. Other pockets of magma, water, ooze, dust, or ash are particularly dangerous for miners if they accidentally breached one. No light existed in the Plane of Earth except for rare luminous gems buried in the crushing darkness. Travelers able to pass through stone are effectively blind unless they used magic such as a ring of x-ray vision, or until their ocular organs reach an open space where darkvision can operate or a source of light can be produced. Hearing is actually enhanced while encased in earth, to the point where travelers can detect any movement through the rock within a certain radius of their position.

Every type of rock, soil, mineral, metal ore, sand, and dirt can be found here in abundance, ranging from talc soft to marble tough to diamond hard. Mining operations tend to be small and short-lived because the movement of the substance of the plane and intense gravity cause cave-ins, and the native population defend their territory and/or food supply. In addition, there is the unusual problem of where to put the discarded mine tailings. The dao are the only people known to successfully manage large continuous mining operations in the Plane of Earth. They do this in the Great Dismal Delve, mercilessly using slave labor to dig and repair earthquake damage.

Notable Locations

The Great Dismal Delve - the home of all dao living on the Elemental Plane of Earth. It is actually a massive labyrinth located deep underground. The area it covers is larger than most continents on the Prime Material Plane. The Delve is pocketed with links to a wide array of elemental materials, allowing the Great Khan of the dao to dummon allies and resources at will. All tunnels within the Great Dismal Delve ultimately lead to the Sevenfold Mazework, the heart of dao power. The Sevenfold Mazework - the center of all major dao activity within the Great Dismal Delve. It serves as both a trading center and a court for the dao, in addition to housing the palace of the Great Khan of the Dao. The Mazework is actually an enormous labyrinth of tunnels, passageways, and chambers. Only the noble dao were immune to the confusion caused by the winding passages. Even minotaur slaves were not immune to these bizarre properties and could easily become lost if they weren't careful. The Hidden Fulcrum - the audience chamber of the Great Khan of the Dao, Kabril Ali al-Sara al-Zalazil. This chamber is hidden deep within the Sevenfold Mazework, and is so secret that many noble dao do not even know where it is located. Any visitor to the Fulcrum is blindfolded to ensure they do not learn the route to the chamber. The Pale River - an elemental vortex connecting the Elemental Plane of Earth to the Elemental plane of Water. The Pale River originates in the Great Dismal Delve, flowing to the marid oyster beds in a particularly filthy are of the Elemental Plane of Water. The Iron Crucible - an elemental vortex connecting the Elemental Plane of Earth to the City of Brass on the Elemental Plane of Fire. A large fountain of liquid metal, this firey vein of ore connects to a lava tube beneath the City of Brass. Travelers using the Iron Crucible (those who survived, anyway) are met by efreet ships floating on the lava, which carry them safely to the City of Brass. The Aviary - a gigantic air-filled cavern inhabited by a colony of avariel; due to its effective lack of gravity it is a paradise for all who enjoy flying.
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