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The Feywild

The Feywild, also known as the plane of Faerie, exists as an "echo" of The Prime Material Plane. It is from here that the fey originate, giving the Feywild its name, and it is also a place of unusually potent magic


As a parallel plane to the Prime, the Feywild's geography is similar, though not entirely identical, to the geography of the Prime. Similarly, just as the geography is reminiscent of Astoria's, its inhabitants and many creatures existed as fey "echoes" of Prime creatures. Arcane magic runs more freely and powerfully in the Feywild than it does in the Prime and for this reason, many of its inhabitants are magically gifted. The Feywild was also reputably beautiful compared with either the Shadowfell or the Prime.


Though much of the Feywild is the same as the Prime geologically, there are differences, and more importantly, the lands answer to different powers than those on the Prime. Much of the elven or eladrin civilizations have their earliest roots here and abandoned remnants of their culture litter the landscape. Unlike the elves, however, who have all but abandoned the Feywild, some eladrin remain behind in the Feywild, most notably the "noble" eladrin. These eladrin still maintain strong kingdoms and citadels.


The Feydark is the echo of Astoria's Underdark in the Feywild and, like most parts of the Feywild, it is more majestic and fantastic than its natural counterpart. Inhabited by the fomorians, a fey echo of the titans, the Feydark is a cavernous world of maze-like tunnels and portals linking to Astoria and other planes.
The most powerful of the fomorian realms is Mag Tureah, which stands within a country-sized cavern lit by precious gems and stones. This kingdom is ruled by the fomorian king Bres.

Fauna & Flora

While many of those living in the Feywild are untamed, large numbers also congregate according to race or by political allegiance.
  • LeShay are to eladrin what eladrin are to humans. They are undoubtedly some of the most powerful creatures living on the plane.
  • Noble eladrin are exceptionally powerful examples of their kind. While the eladrin on Astoria became more like the elves, the eladrin in the Feywild became more attuned to the elemental magic inherent in that plane.
  • Seelie fey are followers of Titania, the queen of good-aligned fey, and serve her royal court.
  • Unseelie fey follow the Queen of Air and Darkness and work to destroy the Seelie fey.
  • Fomorians rule much of the Feydark in a twisted parody of the surface eladrin. They command many servitor species—the most useful of which are the cyclopses.
  • When a person dies in the Feywild, their spilled blood can spawn redcaps, a type of bloodthirsty creature that ceases to exist if it does not have fresh blood on its cap every three days.
  • Boggles are a type of mischievous creature that is spawned when a person is overcome by loneliness or abandonment.
  • Meenlocks are a deformed fey that spawn when someone is overwhelmed by fear in a place touched by or in Feywild.
  • Hags are a malicious and varied race of fey that delight in tormenting mortals.
  • Sprites are a small race of fey with the ability to tell if a creature is good or evil by the sound and feel of the beating of the creature's heart.
  • Satyrs are raucous fey that look like a man from waist up and a goat from waist down.
  • Goblinoids, ogres, giants, and blights can also be found in the more sinister regions of the plane.


The Feywild was created by the Primordials, beings of power comparable with the gods. Finding some things of the Prime too "bright" or too "dark," the Primordials tore these parts from the Prime, creating the Feywild and the Plane of Shadow (which later became the Shadowfell), respectively. The creatures that inhabited this world were the fey and came in many forms. For a time, the Feywild was located in close proximity with the Prime and the inhabitants of both planes interacted regularly. It was during this time that the Fey first migrated to The Prime Material Plane. There, they came into conflict with dragons and ushered the elves to follow them, hoping that the (at the time) primitive creatures would help them. Later, following a magical experiment gone terribly awry, a small group of eladrin also arrived. After a while, these eladrin mixed with the elves to the point that it was difficult to tell that they were two different species.
Later, the Feywild slipped further and further away from the Prime. Contact between the two planes ceased except through intermediaries or powerful arcanists and the plane was largely forgotten. By this time, however, large numbers of fey, eladrin and elves populated The Prime Material Plane. Since the barrier between these two planes became much thinner, the eladrin discovered that their racial bonds with that realm allowed them to slip into and out of the Feywild.
Alternative Name(s)
The Plane of Faerie
Planar Sphere/Grouping

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