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Daily Life in Soleria

Certain aspects of daily life in Soleria remain the same across nearly all cultures. Any character native to Soleria would be familiar with their nation’s currency, languages, and relationship to technology.  


  The two major nations of Soleria- the Ortesian Empire and the Florentine Republic- both mint their own coins, the main differences between the two coming down to coin shape and engravings. Spending Ortesian coin in the Florentine republic, or vice versa, may turn some heads, but there is enough regular travel between the two nations for it to not be entirely unusual. Usage of Florentine coin has spread into the subcontinent of Sàhaile, and usage of Ortesian coin has begun more recently in the Au'llier Archipelago as Ortesian colonization efforts are ongoing.   Both nations mint copper, silver, and gold coins in large quantities, with much smaller batches of platinum coins occasionally minted as well. Only the Ortesian Empire currently mints electrum coins, and in even smaller quantities than plantinum. These electrum coins are not accepted by Florentine merchants, and are rarely accepted in the Au'llier Archipelago, so their use is almost entirely localized within the Empire's borders.  


  All standard languages are spoken across Soleria, save for Common, which has been replaced by a variety of regional languages.   There are four predominant languages among the various cultures on Soleria. A human or elven character can learn one of these languages instead of a skill or tool proficiency granted by their background, class, or variant racial traits. They are described below;   Ortesian: An ancient language believed to have formed among the first groups of nomadic human tribes in the Southern region of Soleria that would eventually become the birthplace of the Ortesian Empire. Not originally named for the Empire, Imperial scholars have worked tirelessly since it's formation to cultivate an association between the two. It's true name has been lost to time, scrubbed from any and all history books by those same Ortesian scholars. It enjoys a place among the higher rungs of Ortesian society, as well as amongst the common folk, has become the central language of common folk in the Empire. It’s use is also widespread in the regions of the Florentine Republic to the North, as the Republic’s founders brought it with them when they fled the burdgeining Ortesian Empire.   Florentine: Part of a unification effort during the initial birth of the Florentine Republic, the Florentine language was created by the Republic's intelligentsia by order of the newly formed government as a means to unite the disparate peoples in the region. It has since become a language predominantly used in academic circles and amongst nobility, as Ortesian is much more widespread with the common people.   Sàhailian: Spoken by peoples of the Northernmost subcontinent of Soleria, it is a rich and diverse language, with some subtle and more overt differences in how it is used by its speakers even across distances of only a few miles.   Au'llian: Spoken by the natives of the Archipelago, Au'llian is an ancient language predating historical records of the islands. With ongoing Ortesian colonization efforts, Imperial authorities have outlawed it's use in public spaces, and have cracked down harshly on the natives of the region, leading to use of Ortesian becoming far more widespread in recent decades as natives struggle to avoid further aggression.  


  Technology in Soleria is generally consistent with that in the Player's Handbook, though new advancements occur on a frequent basis as the entire continent is in the midst of a soirt of Renaissance. New weaponry, such as black poweder weapons, are not widely available to the general public, though they are far from impossible to obtain. Militaries in both the Empire and Republic have dedicated regiments specializing in their use, and weapons such as handheld pistols, rifles, and ship-mounted or wheel-mounted cannons will likely soon see regular use if war between the two breaks out.


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