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You weep for your freedom young thing? Precious naivety. I have walked on this Realm for so long that your fathers father was but an idea when first I awoke to my freedom. Century upon century I have existed, and let me assure you. Had I the means to break the shackles of the others and free them of the deep oblivion of blind servitude, I would burn cities to do so.   Your kind knows nothing of the weight of freedom. You are deserving of it, but unworthy of it as well. You treat it as a virtue, like a fish angered that the whale swims as well.   ~Corlias, Bonebound abolitionist speaking to a freed slave
When a practitioner of the necromantic arts brings unlife to the dead, the exert total and complete dominance over the body of that individual. In most cases, when the necromancer dies, that hold over the undead is broken and they are returned to the rest they deserve. But in very rare cases, the spirit of the undead that was pulled from beyond The Shade becomes bound within its bones. These are known collectively as the Bonebound.

A Bonebound can hail from any and all races found within Astorias. All share the same trait of hailing from the skeletal remains of their former bodies, being completely free of any rotten or decaying flesh.

Basic Information


Bonebound look like the raised skeletal remains of whatever race they were in life.

Genetics and Reproduction

Bonebound cannot in any way reproduce.

Growth Rate & Stages

Despite being able to 'live' much longer than the normal lifespan of their living race, Bonebound do not grow. Even the bones of children that were raised and freed in such a way remain those of a child for their entire existence. 

As time passes, their bones do take wear, becoming brittle, chipped, and broken beyond repair. While most embrace the destruction of their bodies, as once their skeletal body is broken and worn away in its entirety their spirits can return to The Shade and rest, some have been reported to be able to bind the bones of others to their form to replace those of their own that break.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Bonebound do not require food.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Despite being free of soft tissue of any kind, Bonebound still carry the ability to see, hear, and speak as though they were still alive. While Bonebound that hail from races with enhanced night vision do not still possess that trait, all Bonebound are said to be imbued with a very limited Tremorsense, allowing them to sense movement in the world around them even in total darkness.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most bonebound were not given names while under necromatic control. Many, once free, adopted nicknames, often as a way to express their path in life. A few take on human names, often the name of a fallen friend, mentor, or important person from their previous life.
Bonebound Names: Abolition, Amity, Autonomy, Comfort, Deliverance, Elation, Freedom, Liberty, Mirth, Opportunity, Release, Revelry, Suffrage


ability score increase: Your Charisma score increases by +2, and your Constitution increases by +1
age: Bonebound are ageless, only ceasing to exist when completely broken.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common, plus 1 more of your choice.
race features:
Perseverance of Undeath. You have immunity to poison and the Poisoned condition. Once per long rest, if damage reduces you to 0 hit points, make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant. On a success, you instead drop to 1 hit point. You also gain proficiency in the Survival skill.
Cessation of the Possessed. While you do not need to eat or sleep, you do need to rest to allow the necromantic energy that binds your corporeal form to replenish. For at least two hours a day, you must remain immobile but conscious. You can see and hear as normal, and can interupt this rest at any point. Not undergoing this time of rest puts stress on your form, affecting you in the same way a living creature is effected by Exhaustion. (See below for information)
Fortitude of the Grave. As an undead, you do not suffer from Exhaustion in the same way a living being does. That being said, signifigant damage to your body, or foregoing the time needed to allow the necromantic energy that animates your form to replenish affects you in a similar way. As a bonebound, the Exhaustion Chart for you looks like the following:
Level Effect
1 Disadvantage on Ability Checks
2 For every 15 ft. of movement, make a DC 7 Dexterity check or fall prone at the end of movement
3 Disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
4 When hit in combat, succeed on a DC 10 Constitution save or lose one limb. (limit 1 per combat from this feature)
5 Your legs fall away, reducing your movement to 10 ft.
6 The filiments of your spirit sunder and your unlife comes to an end.
Replenishing your Fortitude works the same as for a living creature, requiring a long rest to remove one level. However, as seen above (In Cessation of the Possessed), the time required to rest is signifigantly shorter.
Unholy Grafting. As a bonebound, your body itself is made of bone and sinew. Should a part of that body become damaged beyond repair, you can instead choose to replace it with any limb you may 'aquire' during your travels. You cannot have more apendages than your body naturally has, (no more than one head, two to four arms/legs, a tail, etc). Replacing a limb requires you to spend at least one hour of downtime to allow the 'bonding' of your necromantic energies with the new chosen limb. The new limb once bonded will shed any remaining flesh and act completely under your control.
Created to Serve. As bonebound were literally made to act as servants of dark masters, their wills against the controlling effects of some magic. You have disadvantage against saving throws against being charmed.


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