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The Grung are a bipedal amphibious race of frog and toad men found in the Kingdom of Greenseat and the western edge of the Choralis Savannah. Once beleived to be two entirelty seperate species, its now know that the two forms of grung are in fact one and same, dispite being vastly different in appearence.

Forest Grung

The Forest Grung, called Leptos in their own tongue, are small in statue, often reaching only three or four feet in height. They are extremely agile and quick, usually living in tree top dwellings called 'Canapols' in the thicker parts of the jungle that makes up the majority of their homeland.  

Plains Grung

Referred to as Bufos in their own language, Plains Grung are significantly larger than their forest kin. Standing between six and seven feet tall and weighing well over four hundred pounds, these grung are more adapted to life spent on the ground. They often travel in family tribes moving from one town to another, in a wide migratory path that stetches from the Choralis Savannah, through the forests of Greenseat, and even into the eastern edge of Fanos.  

A Part of the Forest

The grung all hold a deep belief that their people are the chosen protectors of their rainforest home, the Leptos most of all. They are extremely territorial when it comes to othes encroaching on their sacred trees, often striking with little prevocation when another sentient species threatens their home, intentinally or otherwise. According to their legends, the forest itself is alive, and each tree that grows holds the spirit of their ancestors, all of which are connected to a great and powerful entity found in the heart of their domain whom they worship as a god.

Basic Information


Grung are a mostly bipedal amphibious species. They have two arms, two legs, and walk in a stooped upright position unless moving at great speed, where they are known to lope using their arms to assist in movement. 
Grung have to specific divergent groups, those that live among the trees of the rainforests in their ancestorial homeland and those that live a more nomadic lifestyle, the nomads being signifigantly larger than their tree dwelling kin.
They possess poison glands near the ear and throat at the back of the head.

Genetics and Reproduction

Grung reproduce in a similar way to other amphibians, where in the female lays up to a hundred eggs, which are kept in a moist to wet enviroment which are left to develope into tadpoles. Tadpoles take roughly four to five months to emerge from the eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Tadpoles once hatched are left alone by their parents. They spend a year growing in the waters in which they are born, during which time they slowly grow legs and lose the tail they are born which to aid in swimming. At this sstage in their life, the young Grung is only an eight of its adult size, and will grow to its full adult size over the next five years of its life.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

The grung have had one of the slowest technological growths of all of the major sentient species in Astorias, remaining largely in a tribalistic state.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The grung have their own dialect, with which they share a name. It is a language marked by loud drawn out resonant cries, which is nearly impossible for non grung to comprehend. They are also capaple of learned and speaking the language of others, a large number being able to speak common with relative ease.


It is unknown as to whether the grung were around before the arrival of the Elves, but according to the pre recorded histories of the Daeodren, they existed in the jungles of the southern part of the continent from the time they were brought there by the elves. It is belived they dwelt as far west as The Godshand Cradle in the early days of the world. With the depature of the elves, the daeodren and grung engaged in several conflicts following the destruction of the eastern fringes of their rainforest homeland.
While the Bufos, or Plains Grung, often spend their time roaming the wider parts of the south, the Leptos, or Forest Grung, are found almost exclusively still within the rainforests in the heart of their claimed territory.


ability score increase: Your Wisdom increases by +2
age: Grung live relatively short lives, most not seeing long past 40 years.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Grung
sub races:
race features:
Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
Standing Leap. Your legs are powerful and allow you to jump with greater ease that any other. Your long jump is up to 25 feet and your high jump is up to 15 feet, with or without a running start.
Part of the World. Grung have a deep connection with nature, and as such have proficiency with the Nature skill.
Darkvision. Grung have excellent vision in low light. You have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. in complete darkness you are unable to discern colors, but instead seee things in a dark green.
Scientific Name
Sarasaxi Amphos


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