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The Halfkin are a small, but tremendously fierce race who claim the Fere Steppe as their homeland.

Basic Information


Halfkin appear to the eye as an extremely small Human, standing roughly 2 ft in height. However on closer inspection, one will notice that their ears are longer and more pointed than than of Men, and far more sensitive.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Halfkin live in clans often made up of large extended families. These clans are ruled by the clan chief, or 'Khan', who serves as the military leader and head of the family. They are often male, though in some rare cases female Khans can be found if they display the required ability to lead the clan in a males stead. Each clan holds to land to themselves, instead roving the Fere Steppe following the migratory heards that can be found there in, or engaging in conflict with the other clans.    They Khans are ruled by a single great leader, chosen by vote by each Khan of every clan. This leader is called the 'Yekhe Khagan' and is the supreme leader of all clans found within the steppe at any given time. This is often done either during, or before a time of war for the Halfkin. The clans are unified beneath a single banner known as 'The Khagan's Peace', ending the migratory lifestyle of the Halfkin and uniting them all in rulership from the great city of Fere. During this time of peace, conflict between the clans is strictly forbidden, to the point that those found guilty of instigating brawls or duals between the clans is either executed or permanently exiled from the steppe, depending on the severity of the conflict caused. A Yehke Khagan servers for life, either dying in battle or of old age, after which the clans disperse back into a migratory state, the Khagan's Peace is also dissolved on their death, allowing conflict between the clans to resume normally.

Facial characteristics

Male Halfkin sport sparse bears of any facial hair at all, and they are the only sex to do so. Their eyes are slightly large for their size, and often a shade of either brown or dark green, though in very rare cases they are a bright and piercing blue. They have small mouths with thin lips and angular sharp features. Their hair is extremely thick, in some cases running slightly down their neck in a mane like fashion. Usually brown or black in color, and with males is often worn short, but largely unkept, giving it a wild and natural spikey look. Female Halfkin often let their hair grow longer and thicker than their male counterparts, often kept worn up in a tight fitting hat called a shovgor.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Halfkin homeland is the wide open steppe known as Fere, though they can be found across Astorias.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

While their eye sight is comparable to most other races, Halfkin hearing is nearly unparalleled. Their ears are extremely sensitive, allowing them to pick up frequencies others can't. They are also able to move and adjust the position of their ears to a degree, allowing them to pick up sounds in a broader area without moving.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

A Mounted People

  The Halfkin have an extremely strong culture surrounding mounts and mounted combat. Due to their small size, they are able to sometimes ride several at a time aboard their larger domesticated beasts of war, either by clinging to large blanket saddles or within palisade like structures called a howdah.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Clan Warfare in the Steppe

Between the clans of the halfkin, warfare is a common enough place to an outside perspective. However, to the halfkin themselves, warfare between clans is controlled and dictated by strict and rigid rules.
Between the settled clans, war is completly disallowed. If two clans should come into disagreement to the point that bloodshed is called for, they must instead wait until the yearly Clanmeet, where both sides may bring their grievances up between the collective of the gathered Khans. The Khans will hear both sides, and then determine whether or not bloodshed is allowed. If so, each clan may choose a number of chosen fighters, decided on by the Khans, who will fight to the death, or to surrender. 
Among the roving clans, clashes are more common, and taken more lightly, with small raids and clashes between clans allowed. However, if it escilates further, one or both of the clans involved by bring their case against the other before the gathered Khans, who will determine whether or not fighting shall continue, or be disallowed. If allowed, full out war may occur between the two clans, with the victor allowed to either offer any survivors a place among their ranks, or execution. If it is not allowed, but fighting continues anyway, both clans are required to return to the ____ and await the yearly Clanmeet. There, the gathered Khans will decided the severity of the punishment. In most cases, this is banishment for a term of no less than 10 years time. Any halfkin banished in this way are given a mark they must keep visable at all times, allowing other halfkin to see when they were banished, and how much longer they are not allowed to return to Fere. 

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions


Halfkin find men to be large, slow, and mostly unthreatening as long as they respect their homeland. However they are more than willing to engage in warfare if required to drive them out. They admire the Men of The Westplains for their fine horse breeding and skilled mounted knights, saying they are both worthy foes, and easy targets.





ability score increase: Your Dexterity, Strength, and Charisma scores are increased by +1
age: Halfkin live to roughly 60 years of age.
Size: Small
speed: 25 ft.
Languages: Common, Halfkin
race features:
Born in the Saddle. Halkfin are gifted riders, being able to sense the suttle movements of their mounts better than any other race. You gain advantage in Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks. You can also mount and dismount using only 5ft. of movement instead of half.
Physically Gifted. Halfkin possess tremendous control of their physical bodies from lives spent in the steppe. You gain proficiency with the Acrobatics skill or Athletics skill (choose one), as well as the ability to use weapons considered to large for their small size with ease, as long as they have proficiency.
Darkvision. Accustomed to hunting beneath the night sky, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions⁠. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkn⁠ess as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkne⁠ss⁠, only shades of gray.
Brave. You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Halfkin Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the shortsword, shortbow, longbow, and bolas.
Roughly 60 years
Average Height
Halfkin adults stand roughly 2ft tall.
Average Weight
Halfkin weight around 30 lbs.
Average Physique
While possessing impressive strength for their size, Halfkin musculature is often lean and wiry rather than large and bulky.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Halfkin skin is mostly a light brown in color, but can range from a caramel color to ruddy white.


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