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The Liral are a large serpentine race of warriors and hunters found in the desert of their namesake.  

Basic Information


Liral are fairly tall standing around the height of a man. They have two arms but possess no legs, instead their lower half ends in a limbless long prehensile tail.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Liral possess a keeper sense of touch along their scaled skin, allowing them to sense and feel movement in a limited area around themselves while buried in the earth.


ability score increase: Your Strength score increases by +2, and your Wisdom increases by +1
age: Liral tend to live for around 100 years, but have the ability to enter a state of suspended animation, allowing some to exist for far longer.
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Lirali
race features:
Ambush from Below
Liral have the ability to, as an action, hide in loose earth and sand, giving them a bonus to Stealth checks made to hide in open areas. While buried in this way, Liral have Tremorsense out to 30ft.

Cold Blooded
When hit my cold damage, or in freezing temperatures, Liral suffer a movement penalty, reducing their movement speed by half.

Bite full of Fangs
Liral can make a bite attack, dealing 1 piercing and 1d6 poison damage.

Poison Immunity
You are immune to poison damage and the Poisoned condition.

Coiled Grip
Liral's long serpentine bodies aid them when grappling their foes. When already grappling a foe, they can choose to sacrifice their movement turn in order to gain advantage to maintain the grapple.
Scientific Name
Sarasaxi Liral


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