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Nadi Tufiil

When a Daeodren reaches forty years old, they will be fully grown, and no longer considered a child. However, they are still not culturally considered a full adult yet either, as a full adult in daeodren culture is also capable of producing children, which they will not be able to do until they reach at least one hundred years of age. Daeodren of this age bracket from forty to one hundred and thirty are called Nadi Tufiil, roughly translating as 'Mature but not Grown'.
Nadi Tufiil are allowed to work, and hold positions that would usually convey a higher social standing, but do not receive the authority of that position until reaching full maturity and producing a child with another daeodren. They are also forbade from the growing of beards, or wearing of Cresnet veils, as both are a symbol of a father and mother respectively.
Interestingly, Nadi Tufiil are allowed to leave their Nestal and travel, not just the savannah, but the entirety of Astorias without incuring the rank of Farrost. For this reason, many scouts, spies, and mercenaries hold the rank of Nadi Tufiil, returning to their homeland only when they reach full sexual maturity to settle down and produce a child. While most daeodren will remain at their home nestal after the birth of their first child, some forever feel the pull of the wider world from their time spent amongst other races and cultures, and will choose to take on the social role of Farrost to again leave their homeland and engage in their wanderlust, often never to return.


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