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Suthra (SOOTH- rah)

The Suthra are a mostly bipedal feline race. They have extremely long upper arms. While they are more comfortable moving about the trees of their homeland, they can be equally fast moving across flat ground. They are known to be the best assassins in the world, nearly all belonging to a death cult.

Basic Information


Suthra are semi-bipedal humanoid felines. They possess two arms, two legs, and walk upright, though are often known to walk on all fours or hunched over in a way to use their long limbed arms to assist in movement. They posess two tails, which are thin and lithe, and used primarily for balance when moving at speed or manuvering through the trees of their homeland. They are covered in short smooth fur.

Genetics and Reproduction

Suthra are mammals, and reproduce similarlly to cats, where in the mother carries a litter of kits, usually six but not more that ten. Similarly to other felines, a female can mate with several males and carry the kits of each. Do to this, it is not uncommon for some to all of newly born kits to be half siblings.
A pregnant suthra will remain pregnant for a period of six months.

Growth Rate & Stages

Surtha kits are born small, and rely on their mother for protection for the first year of their lives. Despite this, they are able to walk and even climb within a few hours of being born. For the first ten years of their lives, suthra kits are protected by their clanholm community, often seen to by all mothers, not just their own. Once they reach ten years of age, they will be nearly if not fully grown. During this time, they undergo a coming of age trial, which has a signifigant mortality rate. If they are to survive, they return to their clanholm and are considered a full adult.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Suthra can see well in darkness, and have an innate climbing ability from birth. They are also known to be extremely stealthy when needed.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage



The Clanholm

A group or band of suthra that live together is referred to as a Clanholm. This can be made up of one to five large extended families, the smallest being around twenty members in total, the largest known being well over a hundred. 
Suthra live this way so that all can keep an eye on and help train the kits within the clanholm. Females, mostly the mothers themselves, handle the nursing and cleaning duties of the youngest kits, with those females who are unable to become preganant, or those without kits, and males handling the training of the older kits in preperation for their coming of age trial.   

The Trial

Surtha kits, upon reaching tens years of age, are escorted to their homelands of Darkwood where they are charged with making their way to the deepest part of the forest there to 'Become awakened to their truth.'
This trial is one of not only discovery, but survival. Most surtha do not survive, in fact often only one of every fifty that undergo the trial return.


Found most prominently within the deep jungles of Darkwood, the Suthra are a long limbed feline race. Often hired on as assassins, they can be found in various Kingdoms throughout Astorias, carrying out what they believe to be their holy charge of bringing swift end to others.
ability score increase: Your Dexterity score increases by +2, and your Strength increases by +1
age: Suthra usually live to around 60 years old
Size: Medium
speed: 30 ft.
Languages: Common, Suthrawl
race features:
Darkvision: You have a feline senses, especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in Darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in Darkness, only Shades of Gray.   Cats Claws: Your claws are natural Weapons, which you can use to make Unarmed strikes. If you hit with them, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an Unarmed strike.   Long Limbed: When you make a melee Attack on Your Turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.   Born of the Jungle: Life spent amongst the trees and thickets of Darkwood has given you unparalleled skill with heights. You have a climbing speed equal to your movement speed and climbing does not cost you extra movement to do so.   Sneaky: You are proficient with the Stealth skill.


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