The Pass of Bones Geographic Location in Astorias | World Anvil
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The Pass of Bones

The Pass of Bones is a inhospitable stretch of mountainous land that connects the lower and upper parts of the continent. One singular road is said to run through the mountains. whether this is true or not, no one is certain.

Centuries ago, war took place between the men of Milupays and the Daeodren of Hardhome. While the war ended in an overall stalemate, several battles took place in the mountains during its two years. Years after the conflict had ended, a dread necromancer settled in this region and began the process of raising the dead soldiers. He raised a formidable army of the dead, and began to prey on those who still used the pass for travel during that time. Milupays raised a fighting force to seek him out and end his reign of terror, but the entire force sent into the mountains was killed, including kingdoms heir, Crown Prince Remacle. Word was sent to the Daeodren, seeking their aid in bringing the evil that dwelt in the mountains, but they refused.

It is believed the Necromancer either died of madness, or was claimed in the Second Invasion of the Black Sky. However, his insidious influence still seems to permeate the mountains of this desolate strip of land, as to this day, any who dare to travel the winding paths never make it to the other side.


The mountains of the Pass of Bones are a continuation of the massive range that starts in Palestone, and continues through The Northbresur Mountains. They are impossible to enter from either side of the sea, having denigrated into sheer cliffs hundred of feet high. What land isn't jutting stone is a desolate desert, with virtually no plant life and no known bodies of fresh water anywhere.


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