Astra Planeta is currently undergoing major revisions, and some parts of this encyclopedia contain information that is inaccurate with respect to current canon. Your patience and readership is appreciated!

The winners of the 2024 Worldbuilding Awards have been announced, and Alone Together won the category of Best Article!!! I am so immensely honored to be chosen by the denizens of World Anvil as one of the best worldbuilders on the site! Congratulations to my fellow winners and nominees!!!

August 2024: No, Really, This Time I'll Do Stuff

Entry 002 // 04.8.2024

So July didn't turn out how I expected it would... AT ALL. Between a frustrating albeit minor bout of writer's block, an even more frustrating case of friggin' Lyme disease, and just generally being busier than expected... I did not end up doing anything I projected at the beginning of the month. Well, almost anything. I did participate a little bit in Summer Camp! I managed to get two articles done, which is more than I've done for SC the last five years! I feel like Exosuit and WARD really add some depth to the world that has been missing up until now, and I have some additional ideas based on the SC prompts that I'll continue to work on even though SC is over. Why throw away good ideas just because the event is done, right? I'm hoping August won't be quite as hectic as July, but I really don't know what the coming month holds for me. All I can say with confidence at this point is that I'll keep steadily chipping away at Astra Planeta (and my other worlds when I feel the urge).

Completed Missions

  • Made a full recovery from Lyme disease. Not world-related, but it was 75% of my whole month
  • Published Exosuit and WARD articles for Summer Camp
  • Tried out a new on-the-go workflow that will make things easier for me in the future

Incomplete Missions

  • Started two new draft articles for Summer Camp
  • Worked on two older draft articles
  • Variable experiment was a partial success; they will be implemented as soon as I iron out some small issues

Looking Ahead

  • The overhaul of Sapience will be completed, FOR REAL THIS TIME
  • I plan to overhaul the Technoculture article after Sapience is done
  • Progress may continue on the star map overhaul
  • Progress may continue on updating the human timeline

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