Colonial Charter for the Terran Arm Document in Astraesto | World Anvil
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Colonial Charter for the Terran Arm

A decree to colonise the Galaxy of Astraesto

...And so I claim the Terran Arm, of the Adellan Galaxy, as belonging in perpetuity to Humanity.
— Chancellor Maynard Thornton, The Colonial Charter
The Colonial Charter for the Terran Arm, was a significant document, written, signed, and ratified in 6 AC, by Chancellor Maynard Thornton of the New Terran Republic. It provided the legal framework for the continued colonisation of the Galaxy of Astraesto, specifically within the Terran Arm, which had begun to rapidly develop following the settling of Kaelon in 5 AC.   As expected, the Charter directly contributed to the continued exploration of Astraesto, with dozens of expeditions, most notably the Holtzer Expeditions, soon setting out from the Terran capital of Horizon, seeking new targets for colonisation.   Despite its status as nearly a five thousand-year-old document, and the New Terran Republic's dissolution, the charter still holds some legal power within many nations in Astraesto. This includes the Galactic Hegemon in the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets, which continues to colonise planets under the authority granted by the Charter.
Decree, Governmental
Digital Recording, Text
Ratification Date
28th of March 6 AC
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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