Federation Naval Officer Inauguration Tradition / Ritual in Astraesto | World Anvil
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Federation Naval Officer Inauguration

The Federation Naval Officer Inauguration is a ceremony conducted at Federation Navy academies across the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets upon an individual's graduation to the service. The Inauguration is considered one of the most important days of a new officer's career, as they are also given their assignments on this day. Despite this, the ceremony itself is purely an honorary one, as recognition for new officers to the Navy. Similar ceremonies are held by the Federation Army and Federation Air Force.   Usually, all Federation Naval Officer Academies begin in periods of 200 galactic standard days - of 24 hours. Cadets are then required to study for around 28 weeks, during which they are fed and housed at the academy - unless an exception is granted. The Naval Officer Inauguration can then be held any day before the next 200-day period. Depending on the Naval Academy's location, an active or former Naval Admiral or Captain may be invited to speak at the ceremony, on occasion, the Naval Chief of Staff may also be in attendance, though usually only on Envis or Anfieden.   The ceremony was initially entirely honorary, until the 2nd Galactical War where new Federation Officers were often put into action just days after their graduation from their academies. The Navy elected to give out these new officers orders at the Inauguration, a tradition that remains.


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