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National Anti-Corruption Branch

A dedicated and independent unit of the Federation, dedicated to fighting the menace of corruption

And who ensures that the Anti-Corruption Branch is not itself a victim of corruption? It is clear to me, that it is all too easy for a Director-General to use the organisation for their own nefarious purposes. And we want to give them more authority?
— Federation Senator (Later found guilty of embezzlement)
The National Anti-Corruption Branch is a subsidiary unit of the Ministry of National Intelligence, and the Federation Federal Government, dedicated to the complete erradication of corruption within the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets.   Closely tied to other Federation intelligence organisations, such as the Federal Intelligence Service and the Secret Intelligence Service, the National Anti-Corruption Branch has a number of significant powers that it is able to utilise.   With a heavy focus on Federation Politicians, the organisation often comes under heavy fire from members of Congress, seeking to limit or completely remove the Branch's power. Many of these members are later found guilty to corruption-related offences. Both sides use these arrests as proof, that either the Branch is incredibly effective in what it does, or that the Branch utilises its power to stifle opposition, planting evidence and convicting politicians who are against them.   The branch is led by a director-general, equal in rank to other directors throughout the federation and reports to the Minister of National Intelligence.
Governmental, Department
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Cover image: Astraesto by Blocky


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