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Temple of the Stars

An ancient refuge from the horrors of war

And let this building, this temple, serve as an eternal refuge from the horrors of war. Let not the great superpowers of this Galaxy do us harm, for we are peaceful, and above all, hidden from that terrible, evil Galaxy.
— Vilo Brenan, Owner
Temple / Church
Parent Location
The Temple of the Stars, popularly known as Refugee's Rest, and Refugee's Refuge, is a mammoth building, located on the otherwise deserted moon of Mazain III. As its alternate names would suggest, the temple is primarily focused on being an area of refuge, often for those billions fleeing armed conflicts that occur frequently across the Galaxy of Astraesto.   Located in a neutral zone between several major Galactic nations, including the Galactic Hegemon in the Federation of Anfieden and Allied Planets, and other powers like the Kingdom of Apreas and the 4th Imperial Republic of Jerace, the Temple of the Stars has long held a unique place in geopolitics. Despite some strategic importance, almost all nations intentionally ignore the temple, and with it Mezain III. On several notable occasions, militaries, including the Federation Armed Forces and Imperial Navy have even provided soldiers and naval warships dedicated to the protection of the temple, though with the core understanding that the refugees will eventually return to their original place of origin.

Cover image: Astraesto by Blocky


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