Zann Pelleon Class Cruiser
I swear to god Admiral, if that captain disobeys me again...Don't worry sir, I'll order the guns to fire on him myself.Good, don't let me miss it.
The Zann Pelleon Class Cruiser was a class of cruiser developed by Envis Shipyards Incorporated for use by the Federation Navy and the Federation's Exploration Corp. 3 Generations of the Cruiser were developed by Envis Shipyards between 2993 and 3091, and a 4th in 3673, with the class seeing use for over 350 years.
Named for Zann Pelleon - a renowned early Astraestoean explorer and cartographer, the cruiser class was built for long-range exploration, specifically in the Galaxy of Sanoliad. Capable of sustaining any crew for theoretically decades, in addition to the best engines anyone could engineer, the Zann Pelleon Class Cruiser became the main exploratory vessel of the Federation's Exploration Corp for 2 centuries.
In addition to the class's long range exploration capabilities, it was also among the fastest of the Federation's vessels, though was notoriously lacking in any serious armaments. A modified version of the Zann Pelleon Class Cruiser, the Zann Pelleon B Class Battlecruiser was heavily armed and armoured, and saw heavy use by both sides in the 1st Federation Civil War.
Related Technologies
1,314km/h (Cruising Speed) 22ly/m (Light Speed)
Notable Cruisers
FNS Pelleon
The first built ship of the Zann Pelleon Class, Pelleon served as an exploratory vessel in the Federation's Exploratory Corp for nearly a century.