4.2 - Thelusian

Thelusians, the stalwart species of the Galaxy, are a relatively young sapient space-faring race of scaly roaches. They have shown that they are resilient and adaptable enough to thrive in the most extreme of environments. Unfortunately, they are quite unintelligent when alone. As a group, however...   Fusing scales and chitin, their exoskeleton is most formidable and highly practical for dangerous tasks such as engineering or mercenary work.   As for their government, it is not exactly suited for races other than theirs, for it focuses mainly on death and renewal, a Thanatocratie, if you will. The Thelusian Maw, or Thelusian nation is comprised of 3 Nest-Crafts, a couple of smaller spacecrafts and a few barely colonized star systems on the Unima-Moreta border around the Outer Belt of the Milky Way. Each of these Nest-Crafts are vital to the survival of the Thelusian species and literal fortresses on top of being self-sustaining for a very long time.   For more "In-Depths" data, consider reading the following articles.

Articles under 4.2 - Thelusian


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