Hegima Industries

One of the powerhouses of the Milky Way galaxy. Considered to be one of, if not the strongest MegaCorp thanks to its Precursor-Born technologies and its influence weighing heavy on every other factions.

However, this MegaCorp was not as untouchable as it is today. Indeed, a century prior to the current time, Hegima was a relatively normal Corporation, it was still considered powerful back then, but not as much as now. Following the recovery of almost all the Precursor wreckage found in the Moreta Quadrant, Hegima grew exponentially.
As the years went by, artifices and surveillance bots were spread throughout the galaxy, mainly around the territories owned by Hegima. Moreover, the MegaCorp made a lot of progress in robotics, creating androids with their own sentience, essentially forming black syndicates directly affiliated to them.

Aside from its technological and industrial growth, Hegima acquired many subsidiaries in order to study other domains.
One of said subsidiaries is the company named “H3-lyx”, its purpose was to study biology and chemistry, but following the arrival of magic a few decades back, it was reformed into an arcane research company. Its most ambitious research, “Project D.R.Y.4.D” was a success in 409 A.F but was eventually lost to other factions following an unfortunate incident which destroyed the company from the inside.

It is around the same time that “Hegima Industries” invaded the Kirhos Homeworlds during the War of Unification. The MegaCorp defeated the Kirhos Government in a single year, forcing them to surrender. The surrender of the Kirhos and the following enslavement of their species was unfortunately not impactful enough for the galaxy to be considered a wake-up call, many people turned a blind eye to the issue or simply were unaware of the happenings surrounding “Hegima Industries” .

Thankfully, despite its power and influence, Hegima Ind. cannot act up following the War of Unification due to certain factions and syndicates such as “Pandori Inc.” and “Varkain Labs.” which maintain the balance between the MegaCorps.   "Hegima Industries" is well-known to have 20 people acting as its Representatives, essentially all pseudo-CEOs working as a council of sort. Said Representatives have specific specializations and individual assets on top of their duties to the MegaCorp itself.
Motto : “A clear Goal for a clear Future.”
Corporation, Security


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